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Re: [sc-dev] Convolution2 virtual room

On December 12, 2015 4:37:36 AM "Victor Bombi" <sonoro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

When room changes continuously (once per 64 samples frame) the trigger dont
works because it is always 1.0.

I think that would be better that trigger behaviour were as with t_trig, so
that 1.0 meant always update.

What can be done?

That's a HUGE change in semantics that you're proposing. Triggers have always been defined as a positive sample coming after a zero/negative sample. I would worry very much about changing this, even in one exceptional case.

Currently you can use Trig1 to block triggers for the next "dur" seconds. Under your proposal, Trig1 would be interpreted as "continuously update for the next 'dur' seconds" -- exactly the opposite behavior! Apart from breaking code, this would be inconsistent with the rest of the class library.

My suggestion is to work out a way to alternate 1 and 0 so that you update once every 2 control cycles.

I'm fairly sure also that it's meaningless to change the Convolution2 kernel buffer while it's in the middle of an FFT frame... so the goal of changing every control cycle may simply be moot from the start.


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