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Re: [sc-dev] 3.7 branch

On 7.Dec 2015, at 13:34 , Chris Sattinger <crucialfelix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> you could also switch to the 3.7 branch. 

3.7 is my main system now.
I've been running 3.6.6 & current master side by side virtually all the time and just added 3.7 to it.
Nevertheless I'm trying to keep the master branch useable.

> because that also fixes another glaring bug in Quarks gui that nobody reported.
> (if you uninstall a quark the gui still displayed it as installed)

I stumbled upon this recently but didn't have the moment to clarify if that's on my side or not.
Apparently it's not. ;)

> its better if more people are using the 3.7 branch

That's what I'm doing.
I got three separate environments … while I use 3.6.6 less and less the gig tomorrow I'll play on 3.7
Development of my stuff has been happening on current master for like a year or more now and continues on 3.7 for the time being.

> On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 12:49 PM Michael Zacherl <sdiy-mz01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 7.Dec 2015, at 9:03 , Chris Sattinger <crucialfelix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Good morning. We have a 3.7 branch, and we already have a problem.
> >
> > There is an important fix to Quarks gui merged there (because of the string-replace issue), but not to master.
> >
> > We could:
> >
> > 1. Just update the documentation and release a 3.7 beta
> > 2. Tell people who are compiling from source to switch to the 3.7 branch which is good for quality control
> > 3. Start a tedious process of cherry picking every little thing and endlessly discussing it
> I just patched the master branch locally to get Quarks up and running again.
> No real problem, no?
> OTOH, avoiding "whinging over broken code" isn't a bad thing, if it's that easy.
> But … where to draw the line?
> ;)
> > I vote for 1 + 2

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