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Re: [sc-dev] string.replace
> On 02.12.2015, at 03:04, James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxx> wrote:
> On December 2, 2015 3:49:25 AM Chris Sattinger <crucialfelix@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Is this known and intentional ? I think its a recent change.
>> update and compiled today
> Previously, in the case of a wrong type passed to String:compare, it would return nil. This was not ideal because, for instance, "abc" < 5 would print an error that nil does not understand '<' -- confusing for the user because of course there is no "nil" in that expression.
> Now it throws a wrong type error. This is more technically sound IMO, but it did break a few things. We probably haven't seen all the fallout yet.
> This was extensively discussed... ad nauseam... on github.
Yes, this is a consequence of that change. We should keep considering the way it behaves, however.
This works:
[1, 2, 3].replace(2, pi)
But this not:
This is not such a good idea to break the uniformity.
in ArrayedCollection, this is implemented as:
replace { arg find, replace;
var index, out = [], array = this;
find = find.asArray;
which in turn uses SequenceableCollection:find, which compares arrays.
So we could just add this:
replace { arg find, replace;
find = find.asString;
^super.replace(find, replace).join
this might be overly permissive though. On the other hand, “join” also implicitly calls asString on its joiner (<< on a string stream).
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