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Re: [sc-dev] scsynth audio driver, behavior of oscTime variable
On November 29, 2015 11:26:45 PM "Kuivila, Ronald" <rkuivila@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi James,
I am starting to look at this, but let me confirm that the file should be
a simple uninterrupted pulse stream. (That’s what it looks like
in an editor but I am hearing a once per second interruption in the sound
entirely separate from SC.)
The WAV file to which I linked was produced using the code in the
attachment. Under ideal circumstances (perfect sample accurate scheduling),
it should produce a stream of impulses with equal time intervals. Running a
real-time scsynth, we don't have sample accuracy, but I would expect
OffsetOut to come closer than it does.
The once-per-second interruption is exactly the problem. In other words, if
you ran the pattern from the attached scd file and you heard the
interruption, then you reproduced the problem.
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