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Re: [sc-dev] Calculate num-wire-buffers from SyntDef

Actually I'm interested too. I did have a look but didn't find the answer.

the naive guess is that its equal to the number of UGens that have children.

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 11:56 PM Hanns Holger Rutz <contact@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
ok, I got it, basically extracting the relevant part of `DoBufferColoring`.

best, .h.h.

On 17/11/15 19:15, Hanns Holger Rutz wrote:
> hi y'all,
> is there a simple counting algorithm that given a synth-definition (as
> written out in an .scsyndef file, i.e. after topological sort and all),
> will give me the number of wire-buffers that the server would require
> when loading that def?
> (this is so I can check on the client side whether a given max of
> wire-buffers would be exceeded or not).
> it should be fairly simple, no?
> thanks, .h.h.
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