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Re: [sc-dev] Document support for non-SCIDE editors

2015-10-12 14:18 GMT+01:00 Till Bovermann <lfsaw@xxxxxxxx>:
>> On 12. Oct 2015, at 13:28, Scott Wilson <i@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 12 Oct 2015, at 12:22, Till Bovermann <lfsaw@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Dear friends,
>>> excuse my ignorance but is it possible to implement Document support (open, read, etc.) for non-SCide editors?
>> Yes.
>>> How?
>> Depends on the editor.
> Atom.
>> Write a Document class which implements whatever communication is needed.
> So I guess, I have to implement Document (as I can find it in ScIDE.sc) and exclude the ScIDE.sc and include that one instead?

The exclude/include can be done automatically. The reason that the
ScIDE editor code is in a folder called "scide_scqt" is because
there's a special flag for the sclang executable "-i" which tells it
which IDE is being used. When you're using the standard QT IDE, it
passes the flag "-i scqt" at runtime and this means the class code in
"scide_scqt" is included and any other "scide_*" is ignored.

So what you should do is put your Document implementation class code
in a folder called "scide_atom" and then make sure atom invokes sclang
using a flag "-i atom".

> Any "already-done" implementations for scvim etc. somewhere?

scvim never had full Document support. Nor did sced I think.

scel has the file /editors/scel/sc/Document.sc but I'm no expert on it!


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