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Re: [sc-dev] c39844: server: Assume requested SR was successfully set

On 6.Oct 2015, at 3:46 , Frank Carver <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This was an issue I was a little afraid of - if your device does not report the sample rate you requested as a viable sample rate, then you won't be able to set it. If we instead DON'T filter sample rate suggestions based on the list reported by the driver, then your case would probably work, but someone else would be able to set 96khz on a device that doesn't support it, and would then get incorrect audio - so there's a trade off.

just to rule out it's the OS X version (considering 10.8 'old') I cloned my system drive and upgraded that to 10.10.5. Alas no luck, same behaviour. Only change is the input which gets changed to 88k2 is the mic-in, not line-in. pity. 
thanks, m.


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