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Re: [sc-dev] Donce?

electronic donce music, clearly. Perhaps related to the Dunce synthesis UGen :  ) 

Um, curious, I had a quick look and see in the code: 

void Donce_next(Donce *unit, int inNumSamples)
	if (inNumSamples) {
		if (unit->m_bufcounter == unit->mWorld->mBufCounter) {
			OUT0(0) = unit->m_prev;
		} else {
			float x = DEMANDINPUT(0);
			unit->m_prev = x;
			OUT0(0) = x;
	} else {

void Donce_Ctor(Donce *unit)
	OUT0(0) = 0.f;

apparently unit->m_bufcounter uninitialised. Perhaps assumed initialised zero, so the if test triggers only once when unit->mWorld->mBufCounter = 0 at start? Are the clauses the wrong way around, should take demand rate once and then just repeat? 


On 2 Feb 2015, at 10:02, James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxx> wrote:

> Donce seems to be undocumented. What does it do?
> hjh
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