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[sc-dev] Duty bug

Want to see something funny?

	var sig = SinOsc.ar(440, 0, 0.1),
	bufs = Array.fill(2, { LocalBuf(1, 1) }),
	read = Dbufrd(bufs, 0),
	write = Dbufwr(sig, bufs, 0);
	Duty.ar(SampleDur.ir, [0, DC.ar(0)], read <! write)

Expand to full screen, and you'll see that the right-hand channel (where Duty's reset input is audio rate) has been decimated by a factor of 2!

It's an easy fix... actually, it was fixed some six years ago for Duty_next_dk (control rate reset), but the fix was not put into Duty_next_da at the same time.


That just means that nobody is using an audio-rate reset trigger alongside single-sample feedback. That makes sense :)

I'll push the fix shortly. I don't think there's any need for a pull request.


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