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Re: [sc-dev] [jitlib] <<>, always necessary to rebuild the proxy?

The main reason is that <<> uses xmap and not map. The question becomes under what circumstances to switch to map.

of course you could always use:

~src.map(\freq, ~freq);

or in the latest master, simply:
~src.set(\freq, ~freq);

> On 25.01.2015, at 10:35, James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxx> wrote:
> I discovered recently that NodeProxy mapping causes the target proxy to rebuild completely. I can understand this for audio-rate mapping (for crossfading), but for control mapping, it means there are at least some cases where the audio wavers unnecessarily.
> Compare:
> p = ProxySpace.new.push;
> ~src = { |freq = 440| SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.05) ! 2 };
> ~src.play;
> ~freq = 440;
> ~freq <>>.freq ~src;  // noticeable artifact in the sinewave
> p.clear;
> // vs...
> ~src = { |freq = 440| SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, 0.05) ! 2 };
> ~src.play;
> ~freq = 440;
> ~src.set(\freq, ~freq.asMap);  // NO artifact
> ~freq = 220;  // and the proxy is connected
> p.clear;
> I wonder if it might be possible to skip the rebuild -- "this.sendEach(nil, true)" in xFadePerform -- in the specific case of mapping a kr proxy into a kr Control of another proxy (regardless of rate).
> hjh
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