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[sc-dev] [wslib] magResponse incorrect for MidEQ?

This seems wrong:

MidEQ.magResponse(512, 44100, 344.51, 1.41, -4.67).plot;

x = MidEQ.magResponse(512, 44100, 344.51, 1.41, -4.67);
x.plot;  // dip is very far to the right, but 344 is not a high frequency
x.minIndex;  // 459

But, where does the center frequency fall in the freqs array?

(..512).linexp(0,512-1, 20, 22000).indexInBetween(344.51)
--> 207.69


x = BPeakEQ.magResponse(512, 44100, 344.51, 1.41, -4.67);
--> 208


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