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Re: [sc-dev] Event's sustain
On December 1, 2014 10:21:12 AM James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxx> wrote:
At Sun, 30 Nov 2014 15:34:20 +0100,
yota morimoto wrote:
> But I was talking legato's relation to tempo and not faster rhythm in
terms of subdivision.
At risk of flogging the proverbial dead horse... tempo is largely
irrelevant here. The only thing that is relevant is the relationship
between the "inter-onset interval" between notes (in Events, the \delta
time converted into seconds, i.e. ~delta / thisThread.clock.tempo) and the
envelope's attack and release phases. Tempo only *seems* to be relevant
because it changes the inter-onset interval in seconds, but it isn't the
only thing that changes the inter-onset interval. So, a "fix" for the issue
that involves only the clock's tempo is not a valid fix.
To be really accurate, the number of seconds of overlap is:
releaseTime - ((delta - sustain) / thisThread.clock.tempo)
If this number is > 0, notes will overlap. Your initial example with tempo
= 3 beats/sec had overlaps because 0.3 - ((1 - 0.5) / 3) = 0.14-something,
but no overlaps at tempo = 1 because the formula gives -0.2 seconds of
overlap in that case. That test by itself seems to point to tempo, but it
ignores other factors that are no less important.
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