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Re: [sc-dev] Empty string .asInteger returns 0

Em 29-12-2013 23:37, James Harkins escreveu:
> On Dec 30, 2013 3:41 AM, "Miguel Negrão"
> <miguel.negrao-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:miguel.negrao-lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>> I don't find that reasoning convicing at all. Some strings can't be
>> parsed into integers so the function must have a mechanism for failing,
>> it can throw an error or return a value which represents a failure (nil,
>> Nothing, Failure("failure string") etc).
> That's reasonable, though there's room to disagree. Plus it would break
> backward compatibility, so I'd say if we do anything like this, SC4
> would be the time.
>> How do you even distinguish a
>> proper match "0".asInteger from a failure "".asInteger ?
> Well, I think the C/Java approach would be to validate the string before
> calling the conversion function.
> I guess that's the disagreement: Should asInteger be a dumb conversion
> method (as it is now), or should it be a smarter interpreter of a string
> which may or may not spell out a base 10 integer? Your view suggests
> that the former approach is either insufficient or maybe outright
> invalid. If that's what you're saying (a guess on my part, could be
> wrong), then I'd have to disagree to an extent. You can always compose a
> smarter converter on top of the "dumb" atoi(), giving you the choice of
> how to validate the input.
> I do agree that the Haskell approach seems an improvement.
> hjh

Hi James,

It seems the primitive just calls atoi. I'm sure there are historical
reasons why atoi works the way that it does (performance ?), but to me
it just seems like a very unsafe function.  strtol seems to be able to
detect non-matching strings:
http://www.lemoda.net/c/string-to-int/index.html . it's easy to find
many warnings against using atoi out there:


Any reason not to use strtol and and fail the primitive in case of no
match ?

Also notice that atoi has this issue: "If the converted value would be
out of the range of representable values by an int, it causes undefined
behavior." *

I also found an alternative using boost:



#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

int main()

   int param = -1;

     param = boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]);
  catch(const boost::bad_lexical_cast &)
    std::cout << "err converting param to integer. exiting..." << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

Miguel Negrão

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