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Re: [sc-dev] actual format of sc and scd files...

sc and scd files are colorized at load automatically.

Batuhan Bozkurt
/* http://www.earslap.com */

On Dec 22, 2009, at 5:28 PM, ronald kuivila wrote:

How do they remember that they are syntax colorized?


On Dec 22, 2009, at 10:23 AM, Scott Wilson wrote:

Yes that's correct. The compiler looks for the .sc extension. It was the habit of some linux users to name their script files .sc. I and others felt this was bad practice based on a misconception (i.e. something like equating .sc with .py). Thus the scd extension was invented for those who prefer their text 'poor', but nevertheless clearly marked for purpose.


On 22 Dec 2009, at 16:02, Sciss wrote:

aren't they just plain 8-bit ascii files? the ending is just to distinguish class and script files i think

Am 22.12.2009 um 14:56 schrieb ronald kuivila:


Where can I find the actual file format of sc and scd files?


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