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Attn Tim Re: [sc-dev] trying to build sc for iPhone

2009/12/22 Jonatan Liljedahl <lijon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Dan Stowell wrote:
>> 2009/12/21 Jonatan Liljedahl <lijon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> I'm trying to build iPhone_Synth.xcode project and it fails because
>>> Source/common/g_fmt.c and dtoa.c is missing...
>> Looks like Tim removed them deliberately:
>>  9602    6 days          timblech        remove obsolete dtoa and g_fmt
>> parts
>> Tim wrote: "i removed these two files, since i got some sclang crashes
>> when using them [1] ... instead of calling g_fmt, one can simply call
>> sprintf ...
>> [1]
>> http://tim.klingt.org/git?p=supercollider.git;a=commitdiff;h=31f15e433e2202ec1937295f21f78e2984993764
>> "
>> ...so although I haven't tried it myself, maybe if you just delete
>> those files from the xcode project it'll work? I would hope that Tim
>> had updated things before deleting files.
> I tried that and it worked for scsynth, at least it built. But sclang didn't
> build, I got thousands of build errors, but it was late and I don't remember
> what the problem was. It might have been something else than these files...
> Will try it out some more.

Jonatan - you may need to find some of those calls which tim mentions
(in my quote above) and replace them. If you're not confident in doing
that then please just post the errors and we'll try and get it fixed

Tim - it's a shame that the files were removed without more fanfare
since it has broken things (iphone proj) and no-one seemed to know
they needed fixing. Can you advise in any more detail?


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