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[sc-dev] SF.net SVN: quarks:[1297] Ctk/Ctk classes

Revision: 1297
Author:   joshpar
Date:     2009-12-18 16:31:44 +0000 (Fri, 18 Dec 2009)

Log Message:
various Ctk/Ntk updates

Modified Paths:
    Ctk/Ctk classes/CTK.sc
    Ctk/Ctk classes/LP.sc
    Ctk/Ctk classes/PitchClass.sc
    Ctk/Ctk classes/addSimpleNumber.sc

Modified: Ctk/Ctk classes/CTK.sc
--- Ctk/Ctk classes/CTK.sc	2009-12-18 13:29:15 UTC (rev 1296)
+++ Ctk/Ctk classes/CTK.sc	2009-12-18 16:31:44 UTC (rev 1297)
@@ -63,13 +63,14 @@
 	var <masterScore, <allScores, <masterNotes, <masterControls, <masterBuffers, 
 		<masterGroups, <masterMessages, cmdPeriod;
 	*new {arg ... events;
 	init {arg events;
 		masterScore = [];
+		// I think this is where the mem leak comes in... all CtkObjs create this
+		// Dictionary - and this is bad.
 		objargs = Dictionary.new;
 		score = Score.new;
 		ctkscores = Array.new;
@@ -187,9 +188,10 @@
 	addBuffers {
+			endtime = endtime + 0.1;
 			buffers.do({arg me;
 				this.add(CtkMsg(me.server, 0.0, me.bundle).bufflag_(true));
-				this.add(CtkMsg(me.server, endtime + 0.1, me.freeBundle));
+				this.add(CtkMsg(me.server, endtime, me.freeBundle));
 					this.add(CtkMsg(me.server, endtime, me.closeBundle));
@@ -595,7 +597,7 @@
 					}, {
 					synthdef = sd.def;
-					args = Dictionary.new;
+					args = IdentityDictionary.new;
 					synthdefname = synthdef.name;
 					count = 0;
 					namesAndPos = [];
@@ -653,7 +655,7 @@
 	buildControls {
 		var kouts;
 		synthdef.load(server ?? {Server.default});
-		args = Dictionary.new;
+		args = IdentityDictionary.new;
 		synthdefname = synthdef.name;
 		synthdef.allControlNames.do({arg ctl, i;
 			var def, name = ctl.name;
@@ -1279,6 +1281,9 @@
 				(aValue.duration.notNil and: 
 					{duration.notNil and: {aValue.duration > duration}}).if({
+					});
+				(aValue.duration.isNil and: {duration.notNil}).if({
+					aValue.duration_(duration)
@@ -2090,7 +2095,9 @@
 	*initClass {
 		var thisctkno;
-		sddict = CtkProtoNotes(
+//		"Adding Ctk Notes".postln;
+		sddict = CtkProtoNotes.new;
+		sddict.add(
 			SynthDef(\ctkenv, {arg gate = 1, outbus, levelScale = 1, levelBias = 0, 
 					timeScale = 1, doneAction = 0;

Modified: Ctk/Ctk classes/LP.sc
--- Ctk/Ctk classes/LP.sc	2009-12-18 13:29:15 UTC (rev 1296)
+++ Ctk/Ctk classes/LP.sc	2009-12-18 16:31:44 UTC (rev 1297)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
 		score.do({arg part, i;
-			file.write("%Voice" ++ i ++"\n");
+			file.write("%Voice" ++ i ++"\n");		
 			part.output(file, this);
 		file.write("\\score {\n");
@@ -314,6 +314,9 @@
 		score.do({arg part, i;
 			// score contains parts - each part gets an opening '<<' and closing '>>'
 			file.write("\t\\new Staff = \""++ part.id.asString ++ "\" <<\n");
+			part.partFunctions.do({arg me;
+				file.write("\t\t"++me++"\n");
+			});
 			part.headOutput(file, this);
 			part.voices.do({arg voice;
@@ -384,7 +387,7 @@
 LPPart : LPObj {
 	var <voices, <>clef, <>timeSig, <>keySig, <>id, <>spatial = false;
 	var showClef, showTimeSig, showKeySig, showBarLine, <>staffLines = 5;
-	var <instrumentName, <shortInstrumentName;
+	var <instrumentName, <shortInstrumentName, <partFunctions;
 	*new {arg id, clef, timeSig, keySig, voice;
 		^super.new.initLPPart(id, voice, clef, timeSig, keySig);
@@ -393,6 +396,7 @@
 	initLPPart {arg argID, argVoice, argClef, argTimeSig, argKeySig;
 		id = argID;
 		voices = [];
+		partFunctions = [];
 			}, {
@@ -427,7 +431,17 @@
 		spatial = true
+	addFunction {arg functionString ... args;
+		var str;
+		str = "#("++functionString;
+		args.do({arg me;
+			str = str + "'"++me;
+			});
+		str = str +")";
+		partFunctions = partFunctions.add(str);
+		}
 	showClef_ {arg bool = true; showClef = bool}
 	showKeySig_ {arg bool = true; showKeySig = bool}
 	showTimeSig_ {arg bool = true; showTimeSig = bool}
@@ -455,7 +469,7 @@
 	addToVoice {arg voice ... events;
 	output {arg file, score;
 		voices.do({arg me;
 			me.output(file, score)
@@ -927,7 +941,6 @@
 	// this needs to allow chords
 	note_ {arg ... aPitchClass;
-		var rem;
 		aPitchClass = aPitchClass.flat;
 		note = Array.newClear(aPitchClass.size);
 		// then, fill note... need to parse note correclt later
@@ -936,9 +949,7 @@
 				// check if there is an alteration... round to quarter-tones for now?
-				rem = (thisPC % 1.0).round(0.5);
-				thisPC = thisPC.trunc;
-				note[i] = PitchClass(thisPC, alter: rem);
+				note[i] = PitchClass(thisPC);
 				{note[i] = PitchClass(thisPC)}

Modified: Ctk/Ctk classes/PitchClass.sc
--- Ctk/Ctk classes/PitchClass.sc	2009-12-18 13:29:15 UTC (rev 1296)
+++ Ctk/Ctk classes/PitchClass.sc	2009-12-18 16:31:44 UTC (rev 1297)
@@ -101,7 +101,51 @@
 		change = this.keynum - center * 2;
 		^this.class.new(this.keynum - change)
+	mapIntoRange {arg range = 6, target, numturns = 0, maxturns = 10, origval;
+		var newtestval, targetkey, rangesteps;
+		origval = origval ?? {this};
+		targetkey = target.keynum;
+		rangesteps = range.halfsteps;
+		(numturns < maxturns).if({
+			((keynum - targetkey).abs > rangesteps).if({
+				newtestval = (keynum > targetkey).if({
+					PC(pitch, octave - 1, alter)
+				}, {
+					PC(pitch, octave + 1, alter)
+				});
+				^newtestval.mapIntoRange(range, target, numturns + 1, maxturns, origval);
+			}, {
+			^this
+			});
+		}, {
+		"Your PitchClass couldn't be wrapped into the desired range. Check your parameters or increase maxturns.".warn;
+		^origval;
+		})
+	}
+	mapIntoBounds {arg low, high;
+		var tmp, dif, lowkey, highkey;
+		((lowkey = low.keynum) > (highkey = high.keynum)).if({
+			tmp = high;
+			high = low;
+			low = tmp;
+		});
+		dif = highkey - lowkey * 0.5;
+		^this.mapIntoRange(dif, lowkey + dif);
+	}
+	/*
+	a = PC(\fs, 8).mapIntoRange(6, PC(\c, 4));
+	a.octave;
+	a.pitch;
+	a = PC(\fs, 8).mapIntoBounds(PC(\cdfs, 3), PC(\c, 4));
+	a.octave;
+	a.pitch;
+	\fs4.mapIntoRange
+	*/
 //	// direction should be \up or \down - aPitchInterval can be an instance of PitchInterval
 	// OR an + or - integer (direction can be exculded in this case
 	transpose {arg aPitchInterval, direction = \up;
@@ -610,7 +654,8 @@
 PitchInterval {
-	var <quality, <size, <mod;
+	classvar basesteps;
+	var <quality, <size, <mod, <halfsteps;
 	//quality is a symbol of \major, \minor, \perf, \dim or \aug
 	// size is a 
 	*new {arg quality, size;
@@ -619,7 +664,7 @@
 		mod = (size > 7).if({(size.round % 8) + 1}, {size});
 		((mod == 1) || (mod == 4) || (mod == 5)).if({
 			((quality ==  \perf) || (quality == \aug) || (quality == \dim)).if({
-				^super.newCopyArgs(quality, size, mod)
+				^super.newCopyArgs(quality, size, mod).initPitchInterval;
 				}, {
 				"Unisons, fourths, fifths or octaves need to be \\perf or \\aug".warn;
@@ -628,7 +673,7 @@
 			((mod == 2) || (mod == 3) || (mod == 6) || (mod == 7)).if({
 				((quality == \major) || (quality == \minor) || 
 					(quality == \dim) || (quality == \aug)).if({
-				^super.newCopyArgs(quality, size, mod)
+				^super.newCopyArgs(quality, size, mod).initPitchInterval;
 				}, {
 				"Seconds, thirds, sixths or sevents need to be \\major, \\minor, \\dim or \\aug".warn;
@@ -636,6 +681,48 @@
+	initPitchInterval {
+		halfsteps = basesteps[mod - 1];
+		((mod == 1) or: {(mod == 4) or: {mod == 5}}).if({
+			case {
+				quality == \perf
+			} {
+				nil
+			} {
+				quality == \aug
+			} {
+				halfsteps = halfsteps + 1;
+			} {
+				quality == \dim
+			} {
+				halfsteps = halfsteps - 1;
+			}
+		}, {
+			case {
+				quality == \minor
+			} {
+				nil
+			} {
+				quality == \major
+			} {
+				halfsteps = halfsteps + 1;
+			} {
+				quality == \dim
+			} {
+				halfsteps = halfsteps - 1;
+			} {
+				quality == \aug
+			} {
+				halfsteps = halfsteps + 2;
+			}
+		})
+	}
+	*initClass {
+		basesteps = [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10];
+		}
 PitchCollection {
@@ -993,6 +1080,7 @@
 	noteName {arg hertz = false, round = 1.0; ^this.calcPC(hertz, round).note}
 	noteAccidental {arg hertz = false, round = 1.0; ^this.calcPC(hertz, round).acc}
 	noteOctave {arg hertz = false, round = 1.0; ^this.calcPC(hertz, round).octave}
+	halfsteps {^this}
 	calcPC {arg hertz = false, round = 1.0; 
 		var tmp;
 		tmp = hertz.if({

Modified: Ctk/Ctk classes/addSimpleNumber.sc
--- Ctk/Ctk classes/addSimpleNumber.sc	2009-12-18 13:29:15 UTC (rev 1296)
+++ Ctk/Ctk classes/addSimpleNumber.sc	2009-12-18 16:31:44 UTC (rev 1297)
@@ -6,23 +6,34 @@
 			((this - target).abs > range).if({
 				newtestval = (this > target).if({
 					this - steps
-					}, {
+				}, {
 					this + steps
-					});
-				^newtestval.mod(120).mapIntoRange(range, target, steps, 
+				});
+				^newtestval.mapIntoRange(range, target, steps, 
 					numturns + 1, maxturns, origval)
-				}, {
-				^this;
-				})
 			}, {
-			"Your Number couldn't be wrapped into the desired range".warn;
+			^this;
+			})
+		}, {
+			"Your Number couldn't be wrapped into the desired range. Check your parameters or increase maxturns.".warn;
-			})
-		}
+		})
+	mapIntoBounds {arg low, high, steps = 12;
+		var tmp, dif;
+		(low > high).if({
+			tmp = high;
+			high = low;
+			low = tmp;
+		});
+		dif = high - low * 0.5;
+		^this.mapIntoRange(dif, low + dif, steps);
+	}
-a = 76.3.mapIntoRange(12, 60);
+a = -5.3.mapIntoRange(6, 60);
\ No newline at end of file

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