Hi I’m making a class for Bass management based inspired on StageLimiter and I had one question. In the source there is activeSynth = Synth(\stageLimiter).play ( RootNode(Server.default), addAction: \addToTail ) but as far as I can tell .play doesn’t do anything on a Synth : + Synth { *stop { RootNode.new.freeAll; } *play { arg func; Server.default.doWhenBooted({ func.play; }) } play { //if not already playing, play } *sampleRate { ^Server.default.sampleRate ? Server.default.options.sampleRate ? 44100.0 } } By the time .play is called the synth is already running, and if I check the node tree, indeed the StageLimiter is inside the default group, which would not be the case if the target was actually the RootNode. So I think it should be activeSynth = Synth(\stageLimiter, target: RootNode(Server.default), addAction: \addToTail ) . cheers, Miguel Negrão |
Description: Binary data