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Re: [sc-dev] cruft in readAllStringHTML

2009/12/17 Scott Wilson <s.d.wilson.1@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 16 Dec 2009, at 21:06, ronald kuivila wrote:
> Hi all,
> If you run the following two lines you will see
> in the resultant string.
> f = File("/Applications/SuperCollider3/build/Help/BinaryOps/absdif.html",
> "r");
> f.readAllStringHTML
> These appear in the HTML source as
> <span class="Apple-converted-space">  </span>
> Is there some easy fix for this or would it mean adding a special check in
> html2txt
> Yes I think so.
>  or
> is this a flaw in the HTML generation?

No, this is a classic case of garbage-in-garbage-out. Someone put a
"gremlin" character into that particular file (possibly via alt+space?
that has a tendency to catch people out) and cocoa faithfully included
that gremlin into the stored document; then sc happens to render it.
We just need to remove the gremlin.


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