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Re: [sc-dev] SCTextView:open fragility

On 16 Dec 2009, at 15:14, ronald kuivila wrote:

Hi Scott,

I ran into another issue. If you exercise SCTextView:open 'enthusiastically' graphics go belly-up.

That's the problem with enthusiasm, I suppose.

My initial guess is that this is related to the async load for html. Doesn't seem to be a problem with rtf files.

I ran into the problem in the nextsteppish file browser below (loosely based on Dan's help browser code). (The motivation behind this is to get a Swing based framework that will allow remote development for embedded or distant copies of SC. I also have a SwingDocument stub started that I will post when it is a little further along.)

Arrow keys work on the list views that show directory contents, right and left arrows move down/up a level. You can also type letters to jump down in the list. If you drill down to a help directory (I went to BinaryOps) and hold the arrow key down, it will flash through help files for a while and then just die. At that point you have to reboot SC3 to get graphics to resume.

Don't know if this matters, but I didn't need to restart. Opening a new browser works.


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