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[sc-dev] SCTextView:open fragility

Hi Scott,

 I ran into another issue.  If you exercise SCTextView:open 'enthusiastically' graphics go belly-up.

I ran into the problem in the nextsteppish file browser below  (loosely based on Dan's help browser code).  
(The motivation behind this is to get a Swing based framework that will allow remote development for embedded or distant copies of SC.  I also have
a SwingDocument stub started that I will post when it is a little further along.)

Arrow keys work on the list views that show directory contents, right and left arrows move down/up a level.  You can
also type letters to jump down in the list.  If you drill down to a help directory (I went to BinaryOps) and hold the arrow key 
down, it will flash through help files for a while and then just die. At that point you have to reboot SC3 to get graphics to resume.



var win, lists, listviews;
var scrollView, compView, listSizerView;
var textView, textSizerView;
var screenBounds, bounds, textViewBounds;
var makeView;
var lViewWidth = 150;

screenBounds = Window.screenBounds;
bounds = Rect(128, 264, 1040, 564);
bounds = bounds.center_(screenBounds.center);
bounds = bounds.sect(screenBounds.insetBy(15));
win = Window("File browser", bounds).front; 

listSizerView = UserView(win, Rect(5, 0, lViewWidth * 2, 529)).resize_(4);
scrollView = ScrollView.new(win, Rect(5, 0, lViewWidth * 2, 529)).hasBorder_(true).resize_(4);
compView = CompositeView.new(scrollView, Rect(0, 0, lViewWidth * 2,  scrollView.bounds.height - 25));

listSizerView.drawFunc = { compView.bounds = compView.bounds.height_(scrollView.bounds.height - 25) };
// textView displays a help file "inline"
textViewBounds = Rect(scrollView.bounds.width, 0, /*620*/bounds.width-scrollView.bounds.width, /*554*/ bounds.height-35);
textSizerView = UserView(win, textViewBounds).resize_(5);
~tv = textView = TextView(win, textViewBounds)
textSizerView.drawFunc_({ | view | var b = view.bounds;   textView.bounds= Rect(b.left, b.top, b.width max: 500, b.height max: 100) });

// SCListView

makeView = {| index, items  |
var view, oldvalue, docstr, ext, file;
view = ListView( compView, Rect( 5 + (index * lViewWidth), 4, lViewWidth - 10, /* 504 */ scrollView.bounds.height - 25 ))
.items_(items ? [])
.value_(0) // Swing does not set value on creation
.action_({| view| 
var newView, newItems;
var path;
path  = view.items[view.value].copy;
(index).reverseDo { | i |
path = listviews[i].items[ listviews[i].value] ++ path
listviews[index+1..].do { | v |  v.remove };
listviews = listviews[..index];
if (path.last == $/) {
newItems = (path ++ "/*").pathMatch.sort.collect(_.asRelativePath(path) ); 
if (newItems.size > 0) {
newView = makeView.value(index + 1, newItems); 
listviews = listviews[..index].add(newView);
compView.bounds = compView.bounds.width_(max(425, listviews.size * lViewWidth) );
scrollView.visibleOrigin_(Point(listviews.last.bounds.left - lViewWidth, 0));

} {
ext = path.splitext[1];
if ( ( ext == "htm" ) || ( ext == "html"  ) ) {
} {
file = File(path, "r");
docstr = ext.switch(
"rtf", {file.readAllStringRTF},
"sc", {file.readAllString},
"scd", {file.readAllString},
"txt", {file.readAllString},
"ily", {file.readAllString},
"ly", {file.readAllString},
"doc", {file.readAllString},

"", {file.readAllString}

textView.font = Font("Helvetica", 10);
if(docstr.notNil) { textView.string = docstr } { textView.string = "" };
view.keyDownAction_({ var search = "";
{ | view, char, modifiers, unicode|
if (unicode != 16rF703) { textView.string = "" };
if (char.isAlpha) {
var index;
search = search ++ char.toUpper;
index = items.detectIndex({|item| item.asString.toUpper >= search });
if (index.notNil) { view.value = index};
} {
search = "";
/*up arrow */ {unicode == 16rF700
{ view.value = view.value - 1; 
if (view.item.last != $/) { view.doAction };
/*down arrow*/ {unicode == 16rF701
{ view.value = view.value + 1; 
if (view.item.last != $/) { view.doAction };
/* left arrow*/ {unicode == 16rF702
{ listviews.clipAt(index - 1).focus; 
if (listviews.size > 1) { listviews.pop.remove };
scrollView.visibleOrigin_(Point(listviews.last.bounds.left - lViewWidth, 0));
/*right arrow*/ {unicode == 16rF703
{ view.doAction; // drill down
scrollView.visibleOrigin_(Point(listviews.last.bounds.left - lViewWidth, 0));
{nil} // bubble if it's an invalid key

view.mouseDownAction_({ |lv| 
if (lv.value == oldvalue) { lv.doAction };
oldvalue = lv.value;

// if( view.respondsTo( \allowsDeselection ), {
// view.allowsDeselection_( true ).value_( nil );
// });
listviews = [ makeView.value(0, "/*".pathMatch.sort) ];
