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[sc-dev] SF.net SVN: supercollider:[9596] trunk/build/SCClassLibrary
Revision: 9596
Author: danstowell
Date: 2009-12-14 22:13:12 +0000 (Mon, 14 Dec 2009)
Log Message:
finishing scide_scapp moves, facilitate non-scapp sclang on mac
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Deleted: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/SCImage.sc
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/SCImage.sc 2009-12-14 21:15:51 UTC (rev 9595)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/SCImage.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -1,904 +0,0 @@
-// blackrain at realizedsound dot net and charles picasso - thelych at gmail dot com
-// 09-2008
-SCImage {
- classvar <formats, <compositingOperations, <interpolations, <allPlotWindows;
- var dataptr, <width, <height, <background, <>name, <url, <>autoMode=true, <filters, prCache, prFinalizer;
- *initClass {
- formats = [
- 'tiff', // 0
- 'bmp', // 1
- 'gif', // 2
- 'jpeg', // 3
- 'png' // 4
- ];
- interpolations = [
- 'default', // 0
- 'none', // 1
- 'low', // 2
- 'high' // 3
- ];
- compositingOperations = [
- 'clear', // 0
- 'copy', // 1
- 'sourceOver', // 2
- 'sourceIn', // 3
- 'sourceOut', // 4
- 'sourceATop', // 5
- 'destinationOver', // 6
- 'destinationIn', // 7
- 'destinationOut', // 8
- 'destinationATop', // 9
- 'xor', // 10
- 'plusDarker', // 11
- 'highlight', // 12
- 'plusLighter' // 13
- ];
- }
- *new { arg multiple, height=nil;
- if(multiple.isKindOf(Point), {
- ^super.new.init(multiple.x, multiple.y);
- });
- if(multiple.isKindOf(Number), {
- ^super.new.init(multiple, height ? multiple);
- });
- if(multiple.isKindOf(String), {
- if ( multiple.beginsWith("http://").not
- and:{ multiple.beginsWith("file://").not }
- and:{ multiple.beginsWith("ftp://").not }) {
- ^this.open(multiple);
- };
- ^this.openURL( multiple );
- });
- ^nil;
- }
- *color { arg ... args;
- var newone, color, filter;
- newone = SCImage.new(*args);
- color = args.last;
- if(color.isKindOf(Color).not, {color = Color.black});
- filter = SCImageFilter(\CIConstantColorGenerator);
- filter.color_(color);
- newone.applyFilters(filter);
- ^newone;
- }
- *open { arg path;
- path = path.standardizePath;
- if ( File.exists(path) ) {
- ^super.new.initFromURL("file://" +/+ path.replace(" ", "%20"));
- }{
- format("SCImage: % not found.", path).error;
- ^nil
- }
- }
- *openURL { arg url;
- ^super.new.initFromURL(url.replace(" ", "%20"));
- }
- *fromName { arg imageNamed;
- // return a system Image or a previously allocated instance of an Image named ...
- // tbi
- }
- *fromImage { arg scimage;
- if(scimage.isKindOf(this), {
- ^scimage.copy;
- });
- "SCImage: invalid instance to copy from.".error;
- ^nil
- }
- *fromWindow {arg window, rect;
- if(window.isKindOf(SCWindow).not, {
- "SCImage: fromWindowRect window argument is not instance of SCWindow.".error;
- });
- rect = rect ? window.view.bounds.moveTo(0,0);
- if(rect.isKindOf(Rect).not, {
- "SCImage: fromWindowRect rect argument is not instance of Rect.".error;
- });
- ^this.prFromWindowRect(window, rect);
- }
- *prFromWindowRect {arg window, rect;
- _SCImage_fromWindowRect
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- init { arg width, height;
- this.prInit(width, height);
- filters = [];
- }
- /* not used any more
- initFromFile { arg path;
- url = "file://" ++ path.standardizePath;
- this.prInitFromFile(path);
- all = all.add(this);
- filters = [];
- }
- */
- initFromURL { arg newURL;
- url = newURL;
- this.prInitFromURL(url);
- filters = [];
- }
- free {
- this.clearCache;
- this.prFree;
- }
- copy {
- var new;
- new = this.class.new(width, height);
- new.name_(this.name);
- new.url_(this.url);
- new.autoMode_(this.autoMode);
- new.lockFocus;
- this.drawAtPoint(0@0,nil,1,1.0);
- new.unlockFocus;
- ^new
- }
- isValid {
- ^dataptr.notNil
- }
- bounds { // helper
- ^Rect(0,0,width?0,height?0)
- }
- write { arg path, format; // ok
- if (this.isValid) {
- path = path.standardizePath;
- format = format ?? { path.basename.splitext.at(1).asSymbol };
- format = formats.indexOf(format) ? 0;
- ^this.prWriteToFile(path, format);
- };
- format("SCImage:write invalid instance.").error;
- }
- url_ { arg new_url;
- if(new_url.isKindOf(String), {
- url = new_url.standardizePath.replace(" ", "%20");
- }, {url=""});
- }
- crop {|aRect|
- var filter, transform;
- if(aRect.isKindOf(Rect).not, {
- "SCImage: bad argument for cropping image !".warn;
- ^this;
- });
- aRect.top = this.height - aRect.top - aRect.height;
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
- filter = SCImageFilter(\CICrop);
- filter.rectangle_(aRect);
- transform = SCImageFilter(\CIAffineTransform);
- transform.transform_([aRect.left.neg, aRect.top.neg]);
- this.applyFilters([filter, transform]);
- ^this;
- }
- invert {
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
- this.applyFilters(SCImageFilter(\CIColorInvert));
- ^this;
- }
- interpolation {
- var index;
- index = this.prGetInterpolation;
- ^this.class.interpolations[index];
- }
- interpolation_ {|mode|
- var index;
- if(mode.isKindOf(Integer), {
- this.prSetInterpolation(mode.clip(0, this.class.interpolations.size - 1));
- }, {
- index = this.class.interpolations.indexOf(mode.asSymbol);
- if(index.notNil, {
- this.prSetInterpolation(index);
- }, {
- "SCImage: bad interpolation value as argument !".error;
- });
- });
- }
- // pixel manipulation
- setPixel {|rgbaInteger, x, y|
- ^this.prSetPixel(rgbaInteger, x, y);
- }
- getPixel {|x,y|
- ^this.prGetPixel(x,y);
- }
- setColor {|color, x, y|
- ^this.prSetColor(color, x, y);
- }
- getColor {|x, y|
- ^this.prGetColor(x, y);
- }
- pixels {
- var pixelArray;
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
- if(width <= 0 or:{height <= 0}, {^nil});
- pixelArray = Int32Array.newClear(width*height);
- this.prLoadPixels(pixelArray);
- ^pixelArray;
- }
- loadPixels {arg array, region=nil, start=0;
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
- if(array.isKindOf(Int32Array).not, {
- "SCImage: array should be an Int32Array".warn;
- ^nil;
- });
- this.prLoadPixels(array, region, start);
- ^this;
- }
- pixels_ {|array|
- this.setPixels(array);
- }
- setPixels {|array, region=nil, start=0|
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
- if(region.isNil, {
- this.prUpdatePixels(array, start);
- }, {
- this.prUpdatePixelsInRect(array, region, start);
- });
- }
- // this method should not be called directly
- // unless you know exactly what you want to do
- // use autoMode_(true) to let the class choose the best rep internally
- // or autoMode_(false) with accelerated_ method to manually manage your representations
- // a bad management can lead to : worse performance when manipulating images
- // bad syncing issue between representations !
- accelerated_ {|aBool| // if yes ensure to use CoreImages
- _SCImage_setAccelerated
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- accelerated {
- _SCImage_isAccelerated
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- // filters
- addFilter {|filter|
- if(filter.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
- filters = filters.add(filter);
- });
- }
- removeFilter {|filter|
- // remove last occurence of a filter in the array
- filters.reverseDo {|object, i|
- if(object == filter, {
- filters.removeAt(filter.size - i);
- ^this;
- });
- };
- }
- removeAllFilters {
- filters = [];
- }
- createCache { // only for Filters
- prCache = this.filteredWith(filters);
- }
- /*
- flatten the receiver with all filters added to it
- */
- flatten {
- this.clearCache;
- this.accelerated_(true); // force acceleration just in case
- this.applyFilters(filters);
- filters = []; // clear all filters
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)}); // ensure bitmap representation
- }
- applyFilters {|filters, crop=0, region|
- if(filters.isNil, {^this});
- // passing nil to crop says use the result extent of the filter
- // may return huge extent so check and crop image if needed !
- if(crop == 0, {crop = this.bounds});
- if(crop.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{crop.isNil.not}, {
- "SCImage: crop should be a Rect, 0, or Nil".warn;
- ^this;
- });
- if(filters.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
- filters = [filters];
- });
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
- ^this.prApplyFilters(filters, true, region, crop);
- }
- // returns a copy of the receiver filtered with filter
- filteredWith {|filters, crop=0|
- if(filters.isNil, {^this});
- if(filters.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
- filters = [filters];
- });
- if(crop == 0, {crop = this.bounds});
- if(crop.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{crop.isNil.not}, {
- "SCImage: crop should be a Rect, 0, or Nil".warn;
- ^this;
- });
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
- ^this.prApplyFilters(filters, false, nil, crop);
- }
- clearCache {
- if(prCache.notNil, {prCache.free; prCache=nil});
- }
- // still experimental
- applyKernel {|kernel, crop|
- if(kernel.isKindOf(SCImageKernel).not, {
- "SCImage: aKernel should be a SCImageKernel !".warn;
- ^this;
- });
- if(kernel.isValid.not, {
- "SCImage: kernel does not seem to be valid !".warn;
- ^this;
- });
- ^this.prApplyKernel(kernel, crop, true);
- }
- // drawing the image
- lockFocus {
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
- this.prLockFocus;
- }
- unlockFocus {
- if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
- this.prUnlockFocus;
- }
- drawAtPoint { arg point, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0;
- if(filters.size == 0, {
- operation = compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2;
- this.prDrawAtPoint(point, fromRect, operation, fraction);
- }, {
- this.clearCache;
- this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
- this.createCache;
- prCache.drawAtPoint(point, fromRect, operation, fraction);
- });
- }
- drawInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0;
- if(filters.size == 0, {
- operation = compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2;
- this.prDrawInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
- }, {
- this.clearCache;
- this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
- this.createCache;
- prCache.drawInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
- });
- }
- tileInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0; if(filters.size == 0, {
- this.prTileInRect(rect, fromRect ? this.bounds,
- compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2, fraction);
- }, {
- this.clearCache;
- this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
- this.createCache;
- prCache.tileInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
- })
- }
- draw {|aFunction|
- this.lockFocus;
- aFunction.value(this);
- this.unlockFocus;
- }
- // string drawing support
- drawStringAtPoint { arg string, point, font, color;
- var strbounds;
- if (string.notNil) {
- strbounds = string.bounds(font);
- SCPen.use { // for now
- SCPen.translate(0, this.height);
- SCPen.scale(1,-1);
- point.y = this.height - point.y - strbounds.height;
- string.drawAtPoint(point, font, color);
- }
- }
- }
- // simple convenient function
- plot { arg name, bounds, freeOnClose=false, background=nil, showInfo=true;
- var uview, window, nw, nh, ratio = width / height, info="";
- nw = width.min(600).max(200);
- nh = nw / ratio;
- window = SCWindow.new(name ? "plot", bounds ? Rect(400,400,nw,nh)/*, textured: false*/);
- allPlotWindows = allPlotWindows.add(window);
- if(background.notNil, {
- window.view.background_(background);
- });
- window.acceptsMouseOver = true;
- uview = SCUserView(window, window.view.bounds)
- .relativeOrigin_(false)
- .resize_(5)
- .focusColor_(Color.clear);
- window.onClose_({
- allPlotWindows.remove(window);
- if(freeOnClose, {
- this.free
- });
- });
- uview.drawFunc_({
- SCPen.use {
- this.drawInRect(window.view.bounds, this.bounds, 2, 1.0);
- };
- if(showInfo, {
- SCPen.use {
- SCPen.width_(0.5);
- Color.black.alpha_(0.4).setFill;
- Color.white.setStroke;
- SCPen.fillRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
- SCPen.strokeRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
- info.drawAtPoint(10@10, Font.default, Color.white);
- }
- });
- });
- uview.mouseOverAction_({|v, x, y|
- if(showInfo, {
- if (this.isValid) {
- info = format("X: %, Y: %",
- ((x / window.view.bounds.width) * this.width).floor.min(width-1),
- ((y / window.view.bounds.height) * this.height).floor.min(height-1) );
- }{
- info = "invalid image";
- };
- window.view.refreshInRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
- });
- });
- ^window.front;
- }
- *closeAllPlotWindows {
- allPlotWindows.do(_.close);
- }
- storeOn { arg stream;
- stream << this.class.name << ".openURL(" << url.asCompileString <<")"
- }
- archiveAsCompileString { ^true }
- // cocoa bridge additions
- asNSObject {
- ^dataptr.asNSReturn
- }
- scalesWhenResized {
- _SCImage_scalesWhenResized
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- scalesWhenResized_ { arg flag; // to test
- _SCImage_setScalesWhenResized
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- width_ { arg w;
- this.setSize(w, height);
- }
- height_ { arg h;
- this.setSize(width, h);
- }
- setSize { arg width, height; // to test
- _SCImage_setSize
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
-// primtives
- // pixel manipulation private
- prSetPixel {|rgbaInteger, x, y|
- _SCImage_setPixelAt
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prGetPixel {|x,y|
- _SCImage_getPixelAt
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prSetColor {|color, x, y|
- _SCImage_setColorAt
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prGetColor {|x, y|
- _SCImage_getColorAt
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prApplyFilters {|filterArray, inPlaceBolean, region, maxSize|
- _SCImageFilter_ApplyMultiple
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prApplyKernel {|kernel, crop, inPlace |
- _SCImageFilter_ApplyKernel
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prGetInterpolation {
- _SCImage_interpolation
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prSetInterpolation {|index|
- _SCImage_setInterpolation
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prDrawAtPoint { arg point, fromRect, operation, fraction;
- _SCImage_DrawAtPoint
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prDrawInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation, fraction;
- _SCImage_DrawInRect
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prSetName { arg newName; // currently does nothing
- _SCImage_setName
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prSetBackground { arg color; // currently does nothing
- _SCImage_setBackgroundColor
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prSync { // should never be used -- be provided in case
- _SCImage_sync
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- //
- prInit { arg width, height;
- _SCImage_New
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- /* not used any more
- prInitFromFile { arg path;
- _SCImage_NewFromFile
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- */
- prInitFromURL { arg url;
- _SCImage_NewFromURL
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prLockFocus {
- _SCImage_lockFocus
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prUnlockFocus {
- _SCImage_unlockFocus
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prFree {
- _SCImage_Free
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- *prFreeAll {
- _SCImage_FreeAll
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prLoadPixels {arg array, region, startIndex;
- _SCImage_loadPixels
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prUpdatePixels {arg array, startIndex;
- _SCImage_updatePixels
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prUpdatePixelsInRect {arg array, rect, startIndex;
- _SCImage_updatePixelsInRect
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prTileInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation, fraction;
- _SCImage_tileInRect
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- prWriteToFile { arg path, format;
- _SCImage_WriteToFile
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
-SCImageFilter {
- classvar categories;
- var <name, <attributes, <values, <>enable=true;
- *filterCategories {
- ^categories;
- }
- *initClass {
- var categoryNames = [
- \CICategoryDistortionEffect,
- \CICategoryGeometryAdjustment,
- \CICategoryCompositeOperation,
- \CICategoryHalftoneEffect,
- \CICategoryColorAdjustment,
- \CICategoryColorEffect,
- \CICategoryTransition,
- \CICategoryTileEffect,
- \CICategoryGenerator,
- \CICategoryGradient,
- \CICategoryStylize,
- \CICategorySharpen,
- \CICategoryBlur,
- \CICategoryVideo,
- \CICategoryStillImage,
- \CICategoryInterlaced,
- \CICategoryNonSquarePixels,
- \CICategoryHighDynamicRange,
- \CICategoryDistortionEffect,
- \CICategoryBuiltIn
- ];
- categories = IdentityDictionary.new;
- Platform.when(#[\_SCImageFilter_NamesInCategory], {
- categoryNames.do {|key|
- categories.add(key -> this.getFilterNames(key));
- };
- //"SCImage filter categories done !".postln;
- });
- }
- *new {|filterName, args|
- ^super.newCopyArgs(filterName.asSymbol).initSCImageFilter(args);
- }
- defaults {
- values = Array.new;
- }
- initSCImageFilter {|arguments|
- attributes = this.class.getFilterAttributes(name);
- values = Array.new;
- this.attributes_(arguments);
- }
- *translateObject {|object|
- if(object.isKindOf(Boolean), {
- ^ if(object == true, {1}, {0});
- });
- if(object.isKindOf(Rect), {
- ^ [object.left, object.top, object.width, object.height];
- });
- ^ object; // no translation
- }
- doesNotUnderstand { arg selector ... args;
- var key, index;
- if(selector.isSetter && attributes.includesKey(selector.asGetter), {
- key = selector.asGetter;
- args[0] = this.class.translateObject(args[0]);
- if(args[0].isKindOf(attributes.at(key)),
- {
- index = values.indexOf(key);
- if(index.notNil, {
- values[index+1] = args[0];
- }, {
- values = values.add(key);
- values = values.add(args[0]);
- });
- }, {
- ("SCImageFilter: invalid value for filter attribute: "+key+"(a"+args[0].class.asString++") -> argument should be of class:"+attributes.at(key)).error;
- });
- }, {
- ^attributes.at(selector);
- });
- }
- *getFilterNames {|category|
- ^this.prGetFilterNames(category, Array.newClear(64));
- }
- *getFilterAttributes {|filterName|
- var key, class;
- var array, result;
- array = this.prGetFilterAttributes(filterName);
- result = IdentityDictionary.new;
- (array.size >> 1).do {|i|
- i = i << 1;
- key = array[i];
- class = array[i+1];
- switch(class,
- \NSNumber, {class = \Number},
- \CIVector, {class = \Array},
- \CIImage, {class = \SCImage},
- \CIColor, {class = \Color},
- \NSAffineTransform, {class = \Array},
- \NSPoint, {class = \Point}
- );
- result.put(key.asSymbol, class.asClass);
- };
- ^result;
- }
- attributeRange { |attributeName|
- var result = [nil, nil, nil];
- this.prAttributeRange(attributeName.asSymbol, result);
- ^result;
- }
- // new
- attributes_ {|array|
- var method, value, max;
- if(array.isNil, {^this});
- max = array.size.asInteger >> 1;
- max.do {|i|
- method = array[i << 1];
- value = array[(i << 1) + 1];
- this.perform(method.asSymbol.asSetter, value);
- };
- }
- set {arg ... values;
- this.attributes_(values);
- }
- prAttributeRange { |attr|
- _SCImageFilter_GetAttributeMinMax
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- *prGetFilterNames {|cat, array|
- _SCImageFilter_NamesInCategory
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- // direct primitive call - should not be used !!!
- *prFilterSet{ |filterName, filterArguments|
- _SCImageFilter_Set
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
- *prGetFilterAttributes {|filterName|
- _SCImageFilter_Attributes
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
-SCImageKernel {
- var <>shader, <>values, <>bounds, <>enabled, dataptr, finalizer;
- *new {|shader, values, bounds|
- if(values.isKindOf(Array).not and:{values.isNil.not}, {
- "SCImageKernel values should be an Array !".warn;
- ^nil;
- });
- if(shader.isKindOf(String).not and:{shader.isNil.not}, {
- "SCImageKernel shader should be a String !".warn;
- ^nil;
- });
- if(bounds.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{bounds.isNil.not}, {
- "SCImageKernel shader should be a Rect !".warn;
- ^nil;
- });
- ^super.newCopyArgs(shader, values, bounds, true);
- }
- isValid {
- ^(shader.notNil.or(shader.size > 0).and(values.notNil.or(values.size <= 0)));
- }
- compile {
- _SCImageKernel_Compile
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
-// integer additions to retrieve 8-bit pixel component from RGBA packed data
-+Integer {
- *fromRGBA {|r, g=0, b=0, a=255|
- ^(
- ((r.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 24) | ((g.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 16) | ((b.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 8) | (a.asInteger & 16r000000FF)
- );
- }
- *fromColor {|color|
- ^this.fromRGBA(
- (color.red * 255).asInteger,
- (color.green * 255).asInteger,
- (color.blue * 255).asInteger,
- (color.alpha * 255).asInteger
- )
- }
- asColor {
- ^Color.new255(this.red, this.green, this.blue, this.alpha);
- }
- rgbaArray {
- ^[this.red, this.green, this.blue, this.alpha];
- }
- red {
- ^((this >> 24) & 16r000000FF);
- }
- green {
- ^((this >> 16) & 16r000000FF);
- }
- blue {
- ^((this >> 8) & 16r000000FF);
- }
- alpha {
- ^(this & 16r000000FF);
- }
-+Array {
- asRGBA {
- ^Integer.fromRGBA(this.at(0)?0,this.at(1)?0, this.at(2)?0, this.at(3)?0);
- }
-+Color {
- asInteger {
- ^Integer.fromRGBA(
- (this.red * 255).asInteger,
- (this.green * 255).asInteger,
- (this.blue * 255).asInteger,
- (this.alpha * 255).asInteger
- );
- }
- SCView:backgroundImage
- modes :
- 1 - fixed to left, fixed to top
- 2 - horizontally tile, fixed to top
- 3 - fixed to right, fixed to top
- 4 - fixed to left, vertically tile
- 5 - horizontally tile, vertically tile
- 6 - fixed to right, vertically tile
- 7 - fixed to left, fixed to bottom
- 8 - horizontally tile, fixed to bottom
- 9 - fixed to right, fixed to bottom
- 10 - fit
- 11 - center, center (scale)
- 12 - center , fixed to top
- 13 - center , fixed to bottom
- 14 - fixed to left, center
- 15 - fixed to right, center
- 16 - center, center (no scale)
-+SCView {
- backgroundImage_ { arg image, tileMode=1, alpha=1.0, fromRect;
- this.setProperty(\backgroundImage, [image, tileMode, alpha, fromRect])
- }
- refreshInRect {|b|
- _SCView_RefreshInRect
- ^this.primitiveFailed
- }
-+Rect {
- outsetBy {arg h, v;
- if(v.isNil, {v=h});
- ^this.class.new(left - h, top - v, width + h + h, height + v + v);
- }
Copied: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/scide_scapp/SCImage.sc (from rev 9588, trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/SCImage.sc)
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/scide_scapp/SCImage.sc (rev 0)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/scide_scapp/SCImage.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+// blackrain at realizedsound dot net and charles picasso - thelych at gmail dot com
+// 09-2008
+SCImage {
+ classvar <formats, <compositingOperations, <interpolations, <allPlotWindows;
+ var dataptr, <width, <height, <background, <>name, <url, <>autoMode=true, <filters, prCache, prFinalizer;
+ *initClass {
+ formats = [
+ 'tiff', // 0
+ 'bmp', // 1
+ 'gif', // 2
+ 'jpeg', // 3
+ 'png' // 4
+ ];
+ interpolations = [
+ 'default', // 0
+ 'none', // 1
+ 'low', // 2
+ 'high' // 3
+ ];
+ compositingOperations = [
+ 'clear', // 0
+ 'copy', // 1
+ 'sourceOver', // 2
+ 'sourceIn', // 3
+ 'sourceOut', // 4
+ 'sourceATop', // 5
+ 'destinationOver', // 6
+ 'destinationIn', // 7
+ 'destinationOut', // 8
+ 'destinationATop', // 9
+ 'xor', // 10
+ 'plusDarker', // 11
+ 'highlight', // 12
+ 'plusLighter' // 13
+ ];
+ }
+ *new { arg multiple, height=nil;
+ if(multiple.isKindOf(Point), {
+ ^super.new.init(multiple.x, multiple.y);
+ });
+ if(multiple.isKindOf(Number), {
+ ^super.new.init(multiple, height ? multiple);
+ });
+ if(multiple.isKindOf(String), {
+ if ( multiple.beginsWith("http://").not
+ and:{ multiple.beginsWith("file://").not }
+ and:{ multiple.beginsWith("ftp://").not }) {
+ ^this.open(multiple);
+ };
+ ^this.openURL( multiple );
+ });
+ ^nil;
+ }
+ *color { arg ... args;
+ var newone, color, filter;
+ newone = SCImage.new(*args);
+ color = args.last;
+ if(color.isKindOf(Color).not, {color = Color.black});
+ filter = SCImageFilter(\CIConstantColorGenerator);
+ filter.color_(color);
+ newone.applyFilters(filter);
+ ^newone;
+ }
+ *open { arg path;
+ path = path.standardizePath;
+ if ( File.exists(path) ) {
+ ^super.new.initFromURL("file://" +/+ path.replace(" ", "%20"));
+ }{
+ format("SCImage: % not found.", path).error;
+ ^nil
+ }
+ }
+ *openURL { arg url;
+ ^super.new.initFromURL(url.replace(" ", "%20"));
+ }
+ *fromName { arg imageNamed;
+ // return a system Image or a previously allocated instance of an Image named ...
+ // tbi
+ }
+ *fromImage { arg scimage;
+ if(scimage.isKindOf(this), {
+ ^scimage.copy;
+ });
+ "SCImage: invalid instance to copy from.".error;
+ ^nil
+ }
+ *fromWindow {arg window, rect;
+ if(window.isKindOf(SCWindow).not, {
+ "SCImage: fromWindowRect window argument is not instance of SCWindow.".error;
+ });
+ rect = rect ? window.view.bounds.moveTo(0,0);
+ if(rect.isKindOf(Rect).not, {
+ "SCImage: fromWindowRect rect argument is not instance of Rect.".error;
+ });
+ ^this.prFromWindowRect(window, rect);
+ }
+ *prFromWindowRect {arg window, rect;
+ _SCImage_fromWindowRect
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ init { arg width, height;
+ this.prInit(width, height);
+ filters = [];
+ }
+ /* not used any more
+ initFromFile { arg path;
+ url = "file://" ++ path.standardizePath;
+ this.prInitFromFile(path);
+ all = all.add(this);
+ filters = [];
+ }
+ */
+ initFromURL { arg newURL;
+ url = newURL;
+ this.prInitFromURL(url);
+ filters = [];
+ }
+ free {
+ this.clearCache;
+ this.prFree;
+ }
+ copy {
+ var new;
+ new = this.class.new(width, height);
+ new.name_(this.name);
+ new.url_(this.url);
+ new.autoMode_(this.autoMode);
+ new.lockFocus;
+ this.drawAtPoint(0@0,nil,1,1.0);
+ new.unlockFocus;
+ ^new
+ }
+ isValid {
+ ^dataptr.notNil
+ }
+ bounds { // helper
+ ^Rect(0,0,width?0,height?0)
+ }
+ write { arg path, format; // ok
+ if (this.isValid) {
+ path = path.standardizePath;
+ format = format ?? { path.basename.splitext.at(1).asSymbol };
+ format = formats.indexOf(format) ? 0;
+ ^this.prWriteToFile(path, format);
+ };
+ format("SCImage:write invalid instance.").error;
+ }
+ url_ { arg new_url;
+ if(new_url.isKindOf(String), {
+ url = new_url.standardizePath.replace(" ", "%20");
+ }, {url=""});
+ }
+ crop {|aRect|
+ var filter, transform;
+ if(aRect.isKindOf(Rect).not, {
+ "SCImage: bad argument for cropping image !".warn;
+ ^this;
+ });
+ aRect.top = this.height - aRect.top - aRect.height;
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
+ filter = SCImageFilter(\CICrop);
+ filter.rectangle_(aRect);
+ transform = SCImageFilter(\CIAffineTransform);
+ transform.transform_([aRect.left.neg, aRect.top.neg]);
+ this.applyFilters([filter, transform]);
+ ^this;
+ }
+ invert {
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
+ this.applyFilters(SCImageFilter(\CIColorInvert));
+ ^this;
+ }
+ interpolation {
+ var index;
+ index = this.prGetInterpolation;
+ ^this.class.interpolations[index];
+ }
+ interpolation_ {|mode|
+ var index;
+ if(mode.isKindOf(Integer), {
+ this.prSetInterpolation(mode.clip(0, this.class.interpolations.size - 1));
+ }, {
+ index = this.class.interpolations.indexOf(mode.asSymbol);
+ if(index.notNil, {
+ this.prSetInterpolation(index);
+ }, {
+ "SCImage: bad interpolation value as argument !".error;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ // pixel manipulation
+ setPixel {|rgbaInteger, x, y|
+ ^this.prSetPixel(rgbaInteger, x, y);
+ }
+ getPixel {|x,y|
+ ^this.prGetPixel(x,y);
+ }
+ setColor {|color, x, y|
+ ^this.prSetColor(color, x, y);
+ }
+ getColor {|x, y|
+ ^this.prGetColor(x, y);
+ }
+ pixels {
+ var pixelArray;
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
+ if(width <= 0 or:{height <= 0}, {^nil});
+ pixelArray = Int32Array.newClear(width*height);
+ this.prLoadPixels(pixelArray);
+ ^pixelArray;
+ }
+ loadPixels {arg array, region=nil, start=0;
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
+ if(array.isKindOf(Int32Array).not, {
+ "SCImage: array should be an Int32Array".warn;
+ ^nil;
+ });
+ this.prLoadPixels(array, region, start);
+ ^this;
+ }
+ pixels_ {|array|
+ this.setPixels(array);
+ }
+ setPixels {|array, region=nil, start=0|
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
+ if(region.isNil, {
+ this.prUpdatePixels(array, start);
+ }, {
+ this.prUpdatePixelsInRect(array, region, start);
+ });
+ }
+ // this method should not be called directly
+ // unless you know exactly what you want to do
+ // use autoMode_(true) to let the class choose the best rep internally
+ // or autoMode_(false) with accelerated_ method to manually manage your representations
+ // a bad management can lead to : worse performance when manipulating images
+ // bad syncing issue between representations !
+ accelerated_ {|aBool| // if yes ensure to use CoreImages
+ _SCImage_setAccelerated
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ accelerated {
+ _SCImage_isAccelerated
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ // filters
+ addFilter {|filter|
+ if(filter.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
+ filters = filters.add(filter);
+ });
+ }
+ removeFilter {|filter|
+ // remove last occurence of a filter in the array
+ filters.reverseDo {|object, i|
+ if(object == filter, {
+ filters.removeAt(filter.size - i);
+ ^this;
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ removeAllFilters {
+ filters = [];
+ }
+ createCache { // only for Filters
+ prCache = this.filteredWith(filters);
+ }
+ /*
+ flatten the receiver with all filters added to it
+ */
+ flatten {
+ this.clearCache;
+ this.accelerated_(true); // force acceleration just in case
+ this.applyFilters(filters);
+ filters = []; // clear all filters
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)}); // ensure bitmap representation
+ }
+ applyFilters {|filters, crop=0, region|
+ if(filters.isNil, {^this});
+ // passing nil to crop says use the result extent of the filter
+ // may return huge extent so check and crop image if needed !
+ if(crop == 0, {crop = this.bounds});
+ if(crop.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{crop.isNil.not}, {
+ "SCImage: crop should be a Rect, 0, or Nil".warn;
+ ^this;
+ });
+ if(filters.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
+ filters = [filters];
+ });
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
+ ^this.prApplyFilters(filters, true, region, crop);
+ }
+ // returns a copy of the receiver filtered with filter
+ filteredWith {|filters, crop=0|
+ if(filters.isNil, {^this});
+ if(filters.isKindOf(SCImageFilter), {
+ filters = [filters];
+ });
+ if(crop == 0, {crop = this.bounds});
+ if(crop.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{crop.isNil.not}, {
+ "SCImage: crop should be a Rect, 0, or Nil".warn;
+ ^this;
+ });
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(true)});
+ ^this.prApplyFilters(filters, false, nil, crop);
+ }
+ clearCache {
+ if(prCache.notNil, {prCache.free; prCache=nil});
+ }
+ // still experimental
+ applyKernel {|kernel, crop|
+ if(kernel.isKindOf(SCImageKernel).not, {
+ "SCImage: aKernel should be a SCImageKernel !".warn;
+ ^this;
+ });
+ if(kernel.isValid.not, {
+ "SCImage: kernel does not seem to be valid !".warn;
+ ^this;
+ });
+ ^this.prApplyKernel(kernel, crop, true);
+ }
+ // drawing the image
+ lockFocus {
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
+ this.prLockFocus;
+ }
+ unlockFocus {
+ if(autoMode, {this.accelerated_(false)});
+ this.prUnlockFocus;
+ }
+ drawAtPoint { arg point, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0;
+ if(filters.size == 0, {
+ operation = compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2;
+ this.prDrawAtPoint(point, fromRect, operation, fraction);
+ }, {
+ this.clearCache;
+ this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
+ this.createCache;
+ prCache.drawAtPoint(point, fromRect, operation, fraction);
+ });
+ }
+ drawInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0;
+ if(filters.size == 0, {
+ operation = compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2;
+ this.prDrawInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
+ }, {
+ this.clearCache;
+ this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
+ this.createCache;
+ prCache.drawInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
+ });
+ }
+ tileInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation='sourceOver', fraction=1.0; if(filters.size == 0, {
+ this.prTileInRect(rect, fromRect ? this.bounds,
+ compositingOperations.indexOf(operation) ? 2, fraction);
+ }, {
+ this.clearCache;
+ this.accelerated_(true); // we have to force acceleration
+ this.createCache;
+ prCache.tileInRect(rect, fromRect, operation, fraction);
+ })
+ }
+ draw {|aFunction|
+ this.lockFocus;
+ aFunction.value(this);
+ this.unlockFocus;
+ }
+ // string drawing support
+ drawStringAtPoint { arg string, point, font, color;
+ var strbounds;
+ if (string.notNil) {
+ strbounds = string.bounds(font);
+ SCPen.use { // for now
+ SCPen.translate(0, this.height);
+ SCPen.scale(1,-1);
+ point.y = this.height - point.y - strbounds.height;
+ string.drawAtPoint(point, font, color);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // simple convenient function
+ plot { arg name, bounds, freeOnClose=false, background=nil, showInfo=true;
+ var uview, window, nw, nh, ratio = width / height, info="";
+ nw = width.min(600).max(200);
+ nh = nw / ratio;
+ window = SCWindow.new(name ? "plot", bounds ? Rect(400,400,nw,nh)/*, textured: false*/);
+ allPlotWindows = allPlotWindows.add(window);
+ if(background.notNil, {
+ window.view.background_(background);
+ });
+ window.acceptsMouseOver = true;
+ uview = SCUserView(window, window.view.bounds)
+ .relativeOrigin_(false)
+ .resize_(5)
+ .focusColor_(Color.clear);
+ window.onClose_({
+ allPlotWindows.remove(window);
+ if(freeOnClose, {
+ this.free
+ });
+ });
+ uview.drawFunc_({
+ SCPen.use {
+ this.drawInRect(window.view.bounds, this.bounds, 2, 1.0);
+ };
+ if(showInfo, {
+ SCPen.use {
+ SCPen.width_(0.5);
+ Color.black.alpha_(0.4).setFill;
+ Color.white.setStroke;
+ SCPen.fillRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
+ SCPen.strokeRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
+ info.drawAtPoint(10@10, Font.default, Color.white);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ uview.mouseOverAction_({|v, x, y|
+ if(showInfo, {
+ if (this.isValid) {
+ info = format("X: %, Y: %",
+ ((x / window.view.bounds.width) * this.width).floor.min(width-1),
+ ((y / window.view.bounds.height) * this.height).floor.min(height-1) );
+ }{
+ info = "invalid image";
+ };
+ window.view.refreshInRect(Rect(5.5,5.5,100,20));
+ });
+ });
+ ^window.front;
+ }
+ *closeAllPlotWindows {
+ allPlotWindows.do(_.close);
+ }
+ storeOn { arg stream;
+ stream << this.class.name << ".openURL(" << url.asCompileString <<")"
+ }
+ archiveAsCompileString { ^true }
+ // cocoa bridge additions
+ asNSObject {
+ ^dataptr.asNSReturn
+ }
+ scalesWhenResized {
+ _SCImage_scalesWhenResized
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ scalesWhenResized_ { arg flag; // to test
+ _SCImage_setScalesWhenResized
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ width_ { arg w;
+ this.setSize(w, height);
+ }
+ height_ { arg h;
+ this.setSize(width, h);
+ }
+ setSize { arg width, height; // to test
+ _SCImage_setSize
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+// primtives
+ // pixel manipulation private
+ prSetPixel {|rgbaInteger, x, y|
+ _SCImage_setPixelAt
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prGetPixel {|x,y|
+ _SCImage_getPixelAt
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prSetColor {|color, x, y|
+ _SCImage_setColorAt
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prGetColor {|x, y|
+ _SCImage_getColorAt
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prApplyFilters {|filterArray, inPlaceBolean, region, maxSize|
+ _SCImageFilter_ApplyMultiple
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prApplyKernel {|kernel, crop, inPlace |
+ _SCImageFilter_ApplyKernel
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prGetInterpolation {
+ _SCImage_interpolation
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prSetInterpolation {|index|
+ _SCImage_setInterpolation
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prDrawAtPoint { arg point, fromRect, operation, fraction;
+ _SCImage_DrawAtPoint
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prDrawInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation, fraction;
+ _SCImage_DrawInRect
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prSetName { arg newName; // currently does nothing
+ _SCImage_setName
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prSetBackground { arg color; // currently does nothing
+ _SCImage_setBackgroundColor
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prSync { // should never be used -- be provided in case
+ _SCImage_sync
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ //
+ prInit { arg width, height;
+ _SCImage_New
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ /* not used any more
+ prInitFromFile { arg path;
+ _SCImage_NewFromFile
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ */
+ prInitFromURL { arg url;
+ _SCImage_NewFromURL
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prLockFocus {
+ _SCImage_lockFocus
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prUnlockFocus {
+ _SCImage_unlockFocus
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prFree {
+ _SCImage_Free
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ *prFreeAll {
+ _SCImage_FreeAll
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prLoadPixels {arg array, region, startIndex;
+ _SCImage_loadPixels
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prUpdatePixels {arg array, startIndex;
+ _SCImage_updatePixels
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prUpdatePixelsInRect {arg array, rect, startIndex;
+ _SCImage_updatePixelsInRect
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prTileInRect { arg rect, fromRect, operation, fraction;
+ _SCImage_tileInRect
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ prWriteToFile { arg path, format;
+ _SCImage_WriteToFile
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+SCImageFilter {
+ classvar categories;
+ var <name, <attributes, <values, <>enable=true;
+ *filterCategories {
+ ^categories;
+ }
+ *initClass {
+ var categoryNames = [
+ \CICategoryDistortionEffect,
+ \CICategoryGeometryAdjustment,
+ \CICategoryCompositeOperation,
+ \CICategoryHalftoneEffect,
+ \CICategoryColorAdjustment,
+ \CICategoryColorEffect,
+ \CICategoryTransition,
+ \CICategoryTileEffect,
+ \CICategoryGenerator,
+ \CICategoryGradient,
+ \CICategoryStylize,
+ \CICategorySharpen,
+ \CICategoryBlur,
+ \CICategoryVideo,
+ \CICategoryStillImage,
+ \CICategoryInterlaced,
+ \CICategoryNonSquarePixels,
+ \CICategoryHighDynamicRange,
+ \CICategoryDistortionEffect,
+ \CICategoryBuiltIn
+ ];
+ categories = IdentityDictionary.new;
+ Platform.when(#[\_SCImageFilter_NamesInCategory], {
+ categoryNames.do {|key|
+ categories.add(key -> this.getFilterNames(key));
+ };
+ //"SCImage filter categories done !".postln;
+ });
+ }
+ *new {|filterName, args|
+ ^super.newCopyArgs(filterName.asSymbol).initSCImageFilter(args);
+ }
+ defaults {
+ values = Array.new;
+ }
+ initSCImageFilter {|arguments|
+ attributes = this.class.getFilterAttributes(name);
+ values = Array.new;
+ this.attributes_(arguments);
+ }
+ *translateObject {|object|
+ if(object.isKindOf(Boolean), {
+ ^ if(object == true, {1}, {0});
+ });
+ if(object.isKindOf(Rect), {
+ ^ [object.left, object.top, object.width, object.height];
+ });
+ ^ object; // no translation
+ }
+ doesNotUnderstand { arg selector ... args;
+ var key, index;
+ if(selector.isSetter && attributes.includesKey(selector.asGetter), {
+ key = selector.asGetter;
+ args[0] = this.class.translateObject(args[0]);
+ if(args[0].isKindOf(attributes.at(key)),
+ {
+ index = values.indexOf(key);
+ if(index.notNil, {
+ values[index+1] = args[0];
+ }, {
+ values = values.add(key);
+ values = values.add(args[0]);
+ });
+ }, {
+ ("SCImageFilter: invalid value for filter attribute: "+key+"(a"+args[0].class.asString++") -> argument should be of class:"+attributes.at(key)).error;
+ });
+ }, {
+ ^attributes.at(selector);
+ });
+ }
+ *getFilterNames {|category|
+ ^this.prGetFilterNames(category, Array.newClear(64));
+ }
+ *getFilterAttributes {|filterName|
+ var key, class;
+ var array, result;
+ array = this.prGetFilterAttributes(filterName);
+ result = IdentityDictionary.new;
+ (array.size >> 1).do {|i|
+ i = i << 1;
+ key = array[i];
+ class = array[i+1];
+ switch(class,
+ \NSNumber, {class = \Number},
+ \CIVector, {class = \Array},
+ \CIImage, {class = \SCImage},
+ \CIColor, {class = \Color},
+ \NSAffineTransform, {class = \Array},
+ \NSPoint, {class = \Point}
+ );
+ result.put(key.asSymbol, class.asClass);
+ };
+ ^result;
+ }
+ attributeRange { |attributeName|
+ var result = [nil, nil, nil];
+ this.prAttributeRange(attributeName.asSymbol, result);
+ ^result;
+ }
+ // new
+ attributes_ {|array|
+ var method, value, max;
+ if(array.isNil, {^this});
+ max = array.size.asInteger >> 1;
+ max.do {|i|
+ method = array[i << 1];
+ value = array[(i << 1) + 1];
+ this.perform(method.asSymbol.asSetter, value);
+ };
+ }
+ set {arg ... values;
+ this.attributes_(values);
+ }
+ prAttributeRange { |attr|
+ _SCImageFilter_GetAttributeMinMax
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ *prGetFilterNames {|cat, array|
+ _SCImageFilter_NamesInCategory
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ // direct primitive call - should not be used !!!
+ *prFilterSet{ |filterName, filterArguments|
+ _SCImageFilter_Set
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+ *prGetFilterAttributes {|filterName|
+ _SCImageFilter_Attributes
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+SCImageKernel {
+ var <>shader, <>values, <>bounds, <>enabled, dataptr, finalizer;
+ *new {|shader, values, bounds|
+ if(values.isKindOf(Array).not and:{values.isNil.not}, {
+ "SCImageKernel values should be an Array !".warn;
+ ^nil;
+ });
+ if(shader.isKindOf(String).not and:{shader.isNil.not}, {
+ "SCImageKernel shader should be a String !".warn;
+ ^nil;
+ });
+ if(bounds.isKindOf(Rect).not and:{bounds.isNil.not}, {
+ "SCImageKernel shader should be a Rect !".warn;
+ ^nil;
+ });
+ ^super.newCopyArgs(shader, values, bounds, true);
+ }
+ isValid {
+ ^(shader.notNil.or(shader.size > 0).and(values.notNil.or(values.size <= 0)));
+ }
+ compile {
+ _SCImageKernel_Compile
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
+// integer additions to retrieve 8-bit pixel component from RGBA packed data
++Integer {
+ *fromRGBA {|r, g=0, b=0, a=255|
+ ^(
+ ((r.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 24) | ((g.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 16) | ((b.asInteger & 16r000000FF) << 8) | (a.asInteger & 16r000000FF)
+ );
+ }
+ *fromColor {|color|
+ ^this.fromRGBA(
+ (color.red * 255).asInteger,
+ (color.green * 255).asInteger,
+ (color.blue * 255).asInteger,
+ (color.alpha * 255).asInteger
+ )
+ }
+ asColor {
+ ^Color.new255(this.red, this.green, this.blue, this.alpha);
+ }
+ rgbaArray {
+ ^[this.red, this.green, this.blue, this.alpha];
+ }
+ red {
+ ^((this >> 24) & 16r000000FF);
+ }
+ green {
+ ^((this >> 16) & 16r000000FF);
+ }
+ blue {
+ ^((this >> 8) & 16r000000FF);
+ }
+ alpha {
+ ^(this & 16r000000FF);
+ }
++Array {
+ asRGBA {
+ ^Integer.fromRGBA(this.at(0)?0,this.at(1)?0, this.at(2)?0, this.at(3)?0);
+ }
++Color {
+ asInteger {
+ ^Integer.fromRGBA(
+ (this.red * 255).asInteger,
+ (this.green * 255).asInteger,
+ (this.blue * 255).asInteger,
+ (this.alpha * 255).asInteger
+ );
+ }
+ SCView:backgroundImage
+ modes :
+ 1 - fixed to left, fixed to top
+ 2 - horizontally tile, fixed to top
+ 3 - fixed to right, fixed to top
+ 4 - fixed to left, vertically tile
+ 5 - horizontally tile, vertically tile
+ 6 - fixed to right, vertically tile
+ 7 - fixed to left, fixed to bottom
+ 8 - horizontally tile, fixed to bottom
+ 9 - fixed to right, fixed to bottom
+ 10 - fit
+ 11 - center, center (scale)
+ 12 - center , fixed to top
+ 13 - center , fixed to bottom
+ 14 - fixed to left, center
+ 15 - fixed to right, center
+ 16 - center, center (no scale)
++SCView {
+ backgroundImage_ { arg image, tileMode=1, alpha=1.0, fromRect;
+ this.setProperty(\backgroundImage, [image, tileMode, alpha, fromRect])
+ }
+ refreshInRect {|b|
+ _SCView_RefreshInRect
+ ^this.primitiveFailed
+ }
++Rect {
+ outsetBy {arg h, v;
+ if(v.isNil, {v=h});
+ ^this.class.new(left - h, top - v, width + h + h, height + v + v);
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/GUI/osx/scide_scapp/SCImage.sc
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Deleted: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/SCNSObject.sc
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/SCNSObject.sc 2009-12-14 21:15:51 UTC (rev 9595)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/SCNSObject.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-//SCNSClass {
-// var <name;
-// *new{|name|
-// ^super.newCopyArgs
-// }
-// asString{
-// ^name
-// }
-// //todo implement objc functionality
-SCNSObjectAbstract {
- var <dataptr=nil, <> className, < nsAction=nil, < nsDelegate=nil;
- *dumpPool {
- _ObjC_DumpPool
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- *freePool {
- _ObjC_FreePool
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- *new{|classname, initname, args, defer=false|
- ^super.new.init(classname.asString, initname, args, defer)
- }
- *getClass{|classname| //return only the class id, the object is not allocated yet ...
- ^super.new.initClass(classname);
- }
- invoke{|method, args, defer=false|
- var result;
- if(dataptr.isNil, {^nil;});
- args = args ? []; //todo: fix that in the primitive ...
- result = this.prInvoke(method, args, defer);
- ^result.asNSReturn
- }
- initClass{|name|
- this.prGetClass(name)
- }
- isSubclassOf {
- |nsclassname|
- _ObjC_IsSubclassOfNSClass
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- release {
- if(nsAction.notNil, {nsAction.release; nsAction=nil;});
- if(nsDelegate.notNil, {nsDelegate.release; nsDelegate=nil;});
- this.prDealloc;
- dataptr = nil;
- }
- isAllocated {
- ^dataptr.notNil
- }
- isReleased {
- ^dataptr.isNil
- }
- initAction{|actionName = "doFloatAction:"|
- var out;
- out = CocoaAction.newClear;
- this.prSetActionForControl(out, actionName);
- out.prSetClassName;
- nsAction = out;
- nsAction.object = this;
- ^out
- }
- setDelegate{
- var out;
- out = CocoaAction.newClear;
- this.prSetDelegate(out);
- out.prSetClassName;
- nsDelegate = out;
- nsDelegate.object = this;
- ^out
- }
- sendMessage{|msgname, args|
- this.prSendMsg(msgname, args)
- }
- prSendMsg{|msgname, args|
- _ObjC_SendMessage
- }
- *newFromRawPointer{|ptr|
- ^super.new.initFromRawPointer(ptr)
- }
- *newClear{
- ^super.new
- }
- *newWith{| classname, initname,args|
- ^super.new.initWith( classname, initname,args)
- }
- initWith{| cn, initname,args|
- className = cn;
- this.prAllocWith( cn, initname,args);
- }
- initFromRawPointer{|ptr|
- dataptr = ptr;
- className = this.prGetClassName;
- }
- prSetClassName{
- className = this.prGetClassName;
- }
- init{|cn, in, args, defer|
- var result;
- // className = cn; // set upon return
- if(cn.isKindOf(String) and:{in.isKindOf(String)}, {
- result = this.prAllocInit(cn, in, args, defer);
- ^result;
- });
- }
- prAllocInit { arg classname, initname,args;
- _ObjC_AllocInit;
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prDealloc {
- _ObjC_Dealloc;
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prInvoke { arg initname,args, defer=true;
- _ObjC_Invoke
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prGetClassName{|it|
- _ObjC_GetClassName
-// ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prAllocWith { arg classname, initname,args;
- _ObjC_AllocSend;
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- prGetClass{arg classname;
- _ObjC_GetClass
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- /*
- asPyrString {
- ^this.prAsPyrString;
- }
- */
- //for NSControl:
- prSetActionForControl{|control|
- _ObjC_SetActionForControl
- }
- prSetDelegate{|control|
- _ObjC_SetDelegate
- }
-// sendMsg{|initname,args|
-// ^this.prSendMsg(className, initname, args, 0)
-// }
-// experimental
- *panel{|path|
- _LoadUserPanel
- }
- asArray {arg arrayType;
- var requestedLength;
- requestedLength = this.invoke("length").asInteger;
- if(this.isSubclassOf("NSData"), {
- if(arrayType.isKindOf(String), {arrayType = arrayType.asSymbol});
- if(arrayType.isKindOf(Symbol), {
- arrayType = case
- { arrayType == \string } { String.newClear(requestedLength) }
- { arrayType == \int8 } { Int8Array.newClear(requestedLength) }
- { arrayType == \int16 } { Int16Array.newClear(requestedLength >> 1) }
- { arrayType == \int32 } { Int32Array.newClear(requestedLength >> 2) }
- { arrayType == \double } { DoubleArray.newClear(requestedLength >> 3) }
- { arrayType == \float } { FloatArray.newClear(requestedLength >> 2) };
- ^this.prAsArray(arrayType, requestedLength);
- });
- ^nil;
- });
- }
- prAsArray {|type, len|
- _ObjC_NSDataToSCArray
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- /*
- prAsPyrString {
- _ObjC_NSStringToPyrString
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- */
- registerNotification {
- |aNotificationName, aFunc, obj=1|
- if(nsDelegate.isNil, {
- this.setDelegate;
- });
- nsDelegate.prRegisterNotification(aNotificationName, aFunc);
- if (obj.notNil and:{ obj == 1 }) { obj = this };
- this.prRegisterNotification(aNotificationName, obj);
- }
- prRegisterNotification {|aNotificationName, obj|
- _ObjC_RegisterNotification
- }
-//this is usually noy created directly. call SCNSObject-initAction instead.
-CocoaAction : SCNSObjectAbstract{
- var <>action, notificationActions=nil, delegateActions=nil, <>object;
- doAction{|it|
- action.value(this, it);
- }
- doNotificationAction {
- |notif, nsNotification, obj|
- var func;
- func = notificationActions.at(notif.asSymbol);
- if(func.notNil, {
- func.value(notif, nsNotification, obj, this);
- });
- }
- doDelegateAction {
- |method, arguments|
- var result, func;
- func = delegateActions.at(method.asSymbol);
- if(func.notNil, {
- result = func.value(method, arguments);
- ^result;
- });
- }
- addMethod {
- |selectorName, returntype, objctypes, aFunc|
- var types;
- if(selectorName.notNil and:{aFunc.isKindOf(Function)}, {
- if(delegateActions.isNil, {delegateActions = IdentityDictionary.new(16)});
- if(returntype.isNil, {returntype = "v"});
- types = returntype ++ "@:" ++ objctypes; // first and second types are always ID and _cmd
- this.praddMethod(selectorName, types);
- delegateActions.add(selectorName.asSymbol -> aFunc);
- });
- }
- prRegisterNotification {
- |aNotName, aFunc|
- if(aNotName.notNil, {
- if(notificationActions.isNil, {notificationActions = IdentityDictionary.new(16);});
- notificationActions.add(aNotName.asSymbol -> aFunc);
- });
- }
- praddMethod {
- |selectorName, objctypesAsString|
- _ObjC_DelegateAddSelector
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
- removeMethod {
- _ObjC_DelegateRemoveSelector
- ^this.primitiveFailed;
- }
-SCNSObject : SCNSObjectAbstract{
-NSBundle : SCNSObject {
- classvar <> all;
- *new{|path|
- ^super.newClear.loadBundle(path);
- }
- allocPrincipalClass{
- ^SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(this.prAllocPrincipalClass);
- }
- allocClassNamed{|name, initname, args, defer=false|
- var ptr;
- ptr = this.prAllocClassNamed(name, initname, args, defer);
- if(ptr.isNil){"could not alloc class: %".format(name).warn; ^nil};
- ^SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(ptr);
- }
- //private
- loadBundle{|path|
- this.prLoadBundle(path);
- if(this.isAllocated){
- all = all.add(this);
- }
- }
- prLoadBundle{|path|
- _ObjC_LoadBundle
- }
- prAllocPrincipalClass{
- _ObjcBundleAllocPrincipalClass
- }
- prAllocClassNamed{|name, initname, args, defer|
- _ObjcBundleAllocClassNamed
- }
-/* cocoa-bridge by Jan Trutzschler 2005 */
-NSTypeEncoding {
- *object {^"@"}
- *integer {^"i"}
- *float {^"f"}
- *double {^"d"}
- *boolean {^"i"}
-+ SCView {
- primitive {^dataptr;}
- *newFromRawPointer {|nsptr|
- }
Copied: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/scide_scapp/SCNSObject.sc (from rev 9588, trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/SCNSObject.sc)
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/scide_scapp/SCNSObject.sc (rev 0)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/scide_scapp/SCNSObject.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+//SCNSClass {
+// var <name;
+// *new{|name|
+// ^super.newCopyArgs
+// }
+// asString{
+// ^name
+// }
+// //todo implement objc functionality
+SCNSObjectAbstract {
+ var <dataptr=nil, <> className, < nsAction=nil, < nsDelegate=nil;
+ *dumpPool {
+ _ObjC_DumpPool
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ *freePool {
+ _ObjC_FreePool
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ *new{|classname, initname, args, defer=false|
+ ^super.new.init(classname.asString, initname, args, defer)
+ }
+ *getClass{|classname| //return only the class id, the object is not allocated yet ...
+ ^super.new.initClass(classname);
+ }
+ invoke{|method, args, defer=false|
+ var result;
+ if(dataptr.isNil, {^nil;});
+ args = args ? []; //todo: fix that in the primitive ...
+ result = this.prInvoke(method, args, defer);
+ ^result.asNSReturn
+ }
+ initClass{|name|
+ this.prGetClass(name)
+ }
+ isSubclassOf {
+ |nsclassname|
+ _ObjC_IsSubclassOfNSClass
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ release {
+ if(nsAction.notNil, {nsAction.release; nsAction=nil;});
+ if(nsDelegate.notNil, {nsDelegate.release; nsDelegate=nil;});
+ this.prDealloc;
+ dataptr = nil;
+ }
+ isAllocated {
+ ^dataptr.notNil
+ }
+ isReleased {
+ ^dataptr.isNil
+ }
+ initAction{|actionName = "doFloatAction:"|
+ var out;
+ out = CocoaAction.newClear;
+ this.prSetActionForControl(out, actionName);
+ out.prSetClassName;
+ nsAction = out;
+ nsAction.object = this;
+ ^out
+ }
+ setDelegate{
+ var out;
+ out = CocoaAction.newClear;
+ this.prSetDelegate(out);
+ out.prSetClassName;
+ nsDelegate = out;
+ nsDelegate.object = this;
+ ^out
+ }
+ sendMessage{|msgname, args|
+ this.prSendMsg(msgname, args)
+ }
+ prSendMsg{|msgname, args|
+ _ObjC_SendMessage
+ }
+ *newFromRawPointer{|ptr|
+ ^super.new.initFromRawPointer(ptr)
+ }
+ *newClear{
+ ^super.new
+ }
+ *newWith{| classname, initname,args|
+ ^super.new.initWith( classname, initname,args)
+ }
+ initWith{| cn, initname,args|
+ className = cn;
+ this.prAllocWith( cn, initname,args);
+ }
+ initFromRawPointer{|ptr|
+ dataptr = ptr;
+ className = this.prGetClassName;
+ }
+ prSetClassName{
+ className = this.prGetClassName;
+ }
+ init{|cn, in, args, defer|
+ var result;
+ // className = cn; // set upon return
+ if(cn.isKindOf(String) and:{in.isKindOf(String)}, {
+ result = this.prAllocInit(cn, in, args, defer);
+ ^result;
+ });
+ }
+ prAllocInit { arg classname, initname,args;
+ _ObjC_AllocInit;
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prDealloc {
+ _ObjC_Dealloc;
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prInvoke { arg initname,args, defer=true;
+ _ObjC_Invoke
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prGetClassName{|it|
+ _ObjC_GetClassName
+// ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prAllocWith { arg classname, initname,args;
+ _ObjC_AllocSend;
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ prGetClass{arg classname;
+ _ObjC_GetClass
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ /*
+ asPyrString {
+ ^this.prAsPyrString;
+ }
+ */
+ //for NSControl:
+ prSetActionForControl{|control|
+ _ObjC_SetActionForControl
+ }
+ prSetDelegate{|control|
+ _ObjC_SetDelegate
+ }
+// sendMsg{|initname,args|
+// ^this.prSendMsg(className, initname, args, 0)
+// }
+// experimental
+ *panel{|path|
+ _LoadUserPanel
+ }
+ asArray {arg arrayType;
+ var requestedLength;
+ requestedLength = this.invoke("length").asInteger;
+ if(this.isSubclassOf("NSData"), {
+ if(arrayType.isKindOf(String), {arrayType = arrayType.asSymbol});
+ if(arrayType.isKindOf(Symbol), {
+ arrayType = case
+ { arrayType == \string } { String.newClear(requestedLength) }
+ { arrayType == \int8 } { Int8Array.newClear(requestedLength) }
+ { arrayType == \int16 } { Int16Array.newClear(requestedLength >> 1) }
+ { arrayType == \int32 } { Int32Array.newClear(requestedLength >> 2) }
+ { arrayType == \double } { DoubleArray.newClear(requestedLength >> 3) }
+ { arrayType == \float } { FloatArray.newClear(requestedLength >> 2) };
+ ^this.prAsArray(arrayType, requestedLength);
+ });
+ ^nil;
+ });
+ }
+ prAsArray {|type, len|
+ _ObjC_NSDataToSCArray
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ /*
+ prAsPyrString {
+ _ObjC_NSStringToPyrString
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ */
+ registerNotification {
+ |aNotificationName, aFunc, obj=1|
+ if(nsDelegate.isNil, {
+ this.setDelegate;
+ });
+ nsDelegate.prRegisterNotification(aNotificationName, aFunc);
+ if (obj.notNil and:{ obj == 1 }) { obj = this };
+ this.prRegisterNotification(aNotificationName, obj);
+ }
+ prRegisterNotification {|aNotificationName, obj|
+ _ObjC_RegisterNotification
+ }
+//this is usually noy created directly. call SCNSObject-initAction instead.
+CocoaAction : SCNSObjectAbstract{
+ var <>action, notificationActions=nil, delegateActions=nil, <>object;
+ doAction{|it|
+ action.value(this, it);
+ }
+ doNotificationAction {
+ |notif, nsNotification, obj|
+ var func;
+ func = notificationActions.at(notif.asSymbol);
+ if(func.notNil, {
+ func.value(notif, nsNotification, obj, this);
+ });
+ }
+ doDelegateAction {
+ |method, arguments|
+ var result, func;
+ func = delegateActions.at(method.asSymbol);
+ if(func.notNil, {
+ result = func.value(method, arguments);
+ ^result;
+ });
+ }
+ addMethod {
+ |selectorName, returntype, objctypes, aFunc|
+ var types;
+ if(selectorName.notNil and:{aFunc.isKindOf(Function)}, {
+ if(delegateActions.isNil, {delegateActions = IdentityDictionary.new(16)});
+ if(returntype.isNil, {returntype = "v"});
+ types = returntype ++ "@:" ++ objctypes; // first and second types are always ID and _cmd
+ this.praddMethod(selectorName, types);
+ delegateActions.add(selectorName.asSymbol -> aFunc);
+ });
+ }
+ prRegisterNotification {
+ |aNotName, aFunc|
+ if(aNotName.notNil, {
+ if(notificationActions.isNil, {notificationActions = IdentityDictionary.new(16);});
+ notificationActions.add(aNotName.asSymbol -> aFunc);
+ });
+ }
+ praddMethod {
+ |selectorName, objctypesAsString|
+ _ObjC_DelegateAddSelector
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+ removeMethod {
+ _ObjC_DelegateRemoveSelector
+ ^this.primitiveFailed;
+ }
+SCNSObject : SCNSObjectAbstract{
+NSBundle : SCNSObject {
+ classvar <> all;
+ *new{|path|
+ ^super.newClear.loadBundle(path);
+ }
+ allocPrincipalClass{
+ ^SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(this.prAllocPrincipalClass);
+ }
+ allocClassNamed{|name, initname, args, defer=false|
+ var ptr;
+ ptr = this.prAllocClassNamed(name, initname, args, defer);
+ if(ptr.isNil){"could not alloc class: %".format(name).warn; ^nil};
+ ^SCNSObject.newFromRawPointer(ptr);
+ }
+ //private
+ loadBundle{|path|
+ this.prLoadBundle(path);
+ if(this.isAllocated){
+ all = all.add(this);
+ }
+ }
+ prLoadBundle{|path|
+ _ObjC_LoadBundle
+ }
+ prAllocPrincipalClass{
+ _ObjcBundleAllocPrincipalClass
+ }
+ prAllocClassNamed{|name, initname, args, defer|
+ _ObjcBundleAllocClassNamed
+ }
+/* cocoa-bridge by Jan Trutzschler 2005 */
+NSTypeEncoding {
+ *object {^"@"}
+ *integer {^"i"}
+ *float {^"f"}
+ *double {^"d"}
+ *boolean {^"i"}
++ SCView {
+ primitive {^dataptr;}
+ *newFromRawPointer {|nsptr|
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/Common/osx/objC/scide_scapp/SCNSObject.sc
Added: svn:keywords
+ Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Copied: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/scide_scapp/views.sc (from rev 9588, trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/views.sc)
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/scide_scapp/views.sc (rev 0)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/scide_scapp/views.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
++ SCView {
+ backColor_ { arg color;
+ this.background = color;
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/scide_scapp/views.sc
Added: svn:keywords
+ Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:mergeinfo
Deleted: trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/views.sc
--- trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/views.sc 2009-12-14 21:15:51 UTC (rev 9595)
+++ trunk/build/SCClassLibrary/backwards_compatibility/osx/views.sc 2009-12-14 22:13:12 UTC (rev 9596)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-+ SCView {
- backColor_ { arg color;
- this.background = color;
- }
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