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Re: [sc-dev] dumpOSC broken?

Perhaps I was still happy on PPC, now I have a glitchy intel.. This is bad news - for debugging this was important. we should add a flag to Server or NetAddr thet replicates this for now perhaps?

It's been broken for a long time if I'm not mistaken. I've learned such a facility existed a bit more than a year ago, and it was still broken back then. I remember that the fix was not very straightforward, and it had something to do with server printing from the RT thread.

Batuhan Bozkurt
/* http://www.earslap.com */

On Dec 14, 2009, at 11:16 PM, Julian Rohrhuber wrote:

Now when I send s.dumpOSC(1) I get terrifying audio glitches and no reliable posting. What has happened? Anyone can reproduce this?


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