On Dec 20, 2008, at 1:25 PM, ronald kuivila wrote:
Hi Josh,
Just reviewing this thread. I am with the traditionalists on bus
naming (i.e. don't mess with the indexing scheme).
(The problem is every time you change allocation of buses, you
would have to rename control buses. This basically kills
raw OSC style - too drastic a change in my book.)
We aren't... I am now pretty sure that we can get around that totally.
On the other hand, I don't see why that would be really necessary.
Step 1: why not just make an AudioControl UGen that has rate and
index arguments?
'scalar' -> actually acts as a Control, index is the value
'control' -> reads from control bus index
'audio' -> reads from audio bus index
This could then be exercised just using regular Controls for its
two arguments.
Yep! That is basically the approach.
Step 2: integrate with the Control naming scheme - perhaps
automatically generating the secondary rate control.
Step 3: integrate with SynthDef (and while we are at it, we should
consider an attempt to make this code more comprehensible:)
I agree here... I'm going to have some time this week I think to
start on the AudioControl part of things. Thanks for thinking this
through as well Ron!
On Dec 19, 2008, at 6:30 PM, Josh Parmenter wrote:
I like AudioControl better. I'll start looking into this more this
Perhaps this is better post 3.3? Not sure how much it will take to
implement this at the moment, but I actually think this discussion
is starting to find a rather simple and elegant solution that
doesn't break code (which is nice!).
I'll start looking into it some more.
On Dec 19, 2008, at 3:25 PM, Julian Rohrhuber wrote:
Hi Rohan and all,
At 11:46 Uhr +0000 19.12.2008, Rohan Drape wrote:
My understanding is that currently the named 'control inputs' to
synthdefs are never at audio (a-) rate, only control (k-) and init
(i-) rate.
This situation makes sense to me, as interconnection of unit
generators at different operating rates is not symetrical.
yes, this makes sense. It would be good to be able to
interconnect unit generators across synths in audio rate, with
the same syntax as connecting control rate ones.
But also I agree that it makes not too much sense to mix
capabilities, like reading control rate audio from an audio rate
bus, or vice versa, at least if this means a confusion of other
Josh, I find that your suggestion is good because it is explicit.
We can easily write some sclang code that chooses the UGen
(Control or Audio), just as it currently does with TrigControl.
Somehow I wouldn't call it Audio (I think it suggests that
Control is called Control because it is control rate, which I
think it isn't.). Maybe AudioControl ? Or actually, in the end,
Control.ar would be the best, and could implement your point (2).
So - here is another idea building on the one I sent out last
1) add an \ar rate to SynthDef:
SynthDef(\test, {arg freq, amp;
}, [nil, \ar]);
2) \ar rates will be mapped to a new UGen Audio.ar. Audio.ar can
take any value that the current Control UGen takes, BUT it
outputs an a-rate signal. If a control bus is mapped to it, then
Audio.ar has to take care of outputting linearly interpolated
values between control values. If a scaler is given to it, it
just outputs that value (like Line.ar).
\tr, \ir and float values will act in the same way as always.
Like all SynthDef rates, the rate is non-modulatable. No code
here should be broken.
IF an audio bus is mapped to the default \kr Control, then
Control.kr will only read the first sample on the audio bus.
3) Bus structure remains the same. add a server messages \n_mapa
and \n_mapan for node map audio an dnode map audio * n.
- in SC_Misc_Cmds add meth_n_mapa and meth_n_mapan.
- in SC_Node, add Node_MapAudio
4) n_map, n_mapa, n_mapn and n_mapan (and the methods that these
use in SC_Node.cpp and SC_Group.cpp) will have an extra
argument, a flag that tells the mapping function if control rate
or audio rate mapping is happening. e.g. n_map and n_mapn sets
the flag to 0 and tells the following functions to look at the
control busses (which tells the Audio UGen to interpolate).
n_mapa and n_mapan sets the flag to 1, and tells Audio to look
at audio busses and just route. We may also want to alter
Control to do the same thing IF we want Control to look at audio
busses at all. As Nick points out, this may or may not be
More soon - gotta run the kid to school!
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/* Joshua D. Parmenter
“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own
interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether
actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes
choices in this regard. He may be conservative or he may subject
himself to continual renewal; or he may strive for a
revolutionary, historical or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono
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/* Joshua D. Parmenter
“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own
interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively
or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this
regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to
continual renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical
or social palingenesis." - Luigi Nono