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Re: [sc-dev] Re: Object.addDependant / update
On Jan 30, 2006, at 4:33 AM, Item State wrote:
n = NodeWatcher.newFrom( s );
s = Synth.new( \default );
n.register( s );
s.addDependant({ arg obj, what; if( what ==
\n_end, { "it died!".postln; }); });
s.sendBundle( 4.0, [[ "/n_free", s.nodeID ]]);
Hey sciss,
Don't forget to remove the node from the dependent dictionary using
s.releaseDependants--otherwise, the dictionary will get cluttered up
with useless Synth objects that will never get garbage collected. You
can do that inside the updater function.
NodeWatcher does its own garbage collection, but dependents do not.
Come to think of it, maybe NodeWatcher-n_end should automatically kill
dependencies on the node? I know it wouldn't break any of my usage, but
it might be overkill.
I mean, now I can do s.addDependant( Updater({ arg
obj, what; ... }));
Updater automatically adds itself as a dependent.
s.addDependant(Updater(...)) is redundant.
PS, semi off topic, why was the word "dependent" misspelled when
creating the dependency protocol?
: H. James Harkins
: jamshark70@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
: http://www.dewdrop-world.net
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Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal." -- Whitman