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Re: [sc-dev] [patch] Changes to stand-alone application

Hi Tim (and everyone).

Thanks for the changes. I just did an update and build on regular old scsynth, and it fails with this error:

/usr/bin/g++-4.0 -c -I/Applications/SuperCollider3/build/ xSC3synth.build/libscsynth.build/libscsynth.a.hmap -F/Applications/ SuperCollider3/build -I/Applications/SuperCollider3/build/include - Isource/common -arch ppc -fno-common -fpascal-strings -O3 -Wmost - Wno-four-char-constants -Wno-unknown-pragmas -pipe "-fmessage- length=0" -g "-DSC_DARWIN" "-faltivec" source/common/ SC_DirUtils.cpp -o /Applications/SuperCollider3/build/ xSC3synth.build/libscsynth.build/Objects-normal/ppc/SC_DirUtils.o source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:41:39: error: SC_StandAloneInfo_Darwin.h: No such file or directory
source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp: In function 'bool sc_IsStandAlone()':
source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:196: error: 'SC_StandAloneInfo' has not been declared source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:196: error: 'IsStandAlone' was not declared in this scope source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp: In function 'void sc_GetResourceDirectory(char*, int)': source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:201: error: 'SC_StandAloneInfo' has not been declared source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:201: error: 'GetResourceDir' was not declared in this scope source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:41:39: error: SC_StandAloneInfo_Darwin.h: No such file or directory source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:196: error: 'SC_StandAloneInfo' has not been declared source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:196: error: 'IsStandAlone' was not declared in this scope source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:201: error: 'SC_StandAloneInfo' has not been declared source/common/SC_DirUtils.cpp:201: error: 'GetResourceDir' was not declared in this scope
Build failed (6 errors, 18 warnings)

Any ideas?



Joshua Parmenter
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
Raitt Hall - University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195


On Jan 17, 2006, at 1:13 PM, andreas pieper wrote:

I committed the changes for the build shell script.


Am 17.01.2006 um 12:27 schrieb Till Bovermann:

On 17 Jan 2006, at 05:56, Tim Walters wrote:

On Jan 16, 2006, at 11:22 AM, James McCartney wrote:

The old xSC3xxxx.pbproj's should be removed I think.

Well, I went ahead and committed the changes, so I guess we'll find out if anyone is using them.

me. by accident. because of I use ./compile-xcode.sh for automated buiding.

if someone could commit this to compile-xcode.sh:


# This script builds the server, the plugins and the application (sclang), one after another.
# It uses XCode, run it on Panther+ only.

# scsynth
echo "building scsynth"
xcodebuild -project xSC3synth.xcodeproj -target "All" -buildstyle "Deployment" build || exit

# sc plugins
echo "building plugins"
xcodebuild -project xSC3plugins.xcodeproj -target "All" - buildstyle "Deployment" build || exit

echo "building sclang"
xcodebuild -project xSC3lang.xcodeproj -target "All" -buildstyle "Deployment" build || exit

echo "Done."


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