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[sc-dev] Re: dual binary compiling

David Feller Jensenius wrote:
> With the new iMacs and MacBook Pros shipping soon... is it possible  
> to compile SC3 as a universal binary?

hi all,

also as soon as someone's got an intel box on his desk, it would be very nice to get a real world benchmark test plus infos on soundcard compatibility; i'm urged to get one of the MacBooks because i've postponed my laptop investment since december 2004 ("waiting for the powerbook g5") ... i must be sure that supercollider compiles and runs absolutely stable and that there's a pro audio interface working well (seems motu will have their drivers ready, i heard that RME will be ready soon, too).

i'm curious about the speed ; will there be any advantage of the dual core ? scsynth will at most be 2x faster than the current powerbooks i guess ; but will the Mac OS automatically make scsynth run on one core and sclang on the other so there's even more speed increase ?

who is into the depth of the SC source, is compilation simple or does one have to exchange altivec optimizations and so on by hand ??

ok, and this O.T. : when they're shipping can someone post infos about the noise and battery life of the new laptops. interestingly, apple says nothing about those, and i want to be sure that the box is silent.

best, -sciss-