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Re: [sc-dev] idle scsynth CPU usage

Hi Josh,

on my machine, a january 2005 PB 1.67 scsynth takes between 0.9  - 2.5
cpu when idle.

This with a fresh build from CVS on 8th of january 2006 09:40 CET.

As you know I am still on Mac Os 10.3.9

All the best

Alessandro Fogar

2006/1/8, Joshua Parmenter <joshp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi everyone,
> I've been noticing something strange with scsynth (this is after all
> the other CPU strangeness that has been happening appears to have
> worked itself out). Basically, I noticed in Activity Monitor and top
> that simply starting scsynth has it running at 8% of the CPU with
> nothing happening. The server window reports 0.2%. This is on one of
> the 1.67 GHz PowerBooks. Either way... a recent build on my old
> machine (1.5 GHz PB) shows about 1% in Activity Monitor. I just did a
> fresh build... I'm wondering if anyone else sees anything like this
> in a new build? And if so... is this perhaps a recent change that has
> done this? Or is it my machine that is causing the problem... which
> based on my experiences over the past couple days wouldn't surprise me!
> Thanks,
> Josh
> ******************************************
> Joshua Parmenter
> joshp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and
> Experimental Media
> Raitt Hall - University of Washington
> Seattle, Washington 98195
> http://www.dxarts.washington.edu
> http://www.realizedsound.net/josh/
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