On Jan 2, 2006, at 10:07 PM, James Harkins wrote:
Are you using an old build?
One of the mysteries of cvs I guess... I updated from cvs well after the last update for Stream.sc shown in the cvs log, but I didn't get that change. ???
Yeah, I keep a clean copy without any changes to update.
Seems like no one objected...
BTW, another way to handle this is to create a new EventStreamPlayer whenever you play.
That way there is no interaction with the previous ESP.
play { arg argClock, doReset = (false), quant=0.0;
if (stream.notNil, { "already playing".postln; ^this });
if (doReset, { this.reset });
clock = argClock ? clock ? TempoClock.default;
streamHasEnded = false;
stream = originalStream;
isWaiting = true; // make sure that accidental play/stop/play sequences
// don't cause memory leaks
if(isWaiting and: { nextBeat.isNil }) {
clock.sched(0, this);
isWaiting = false;
}, quant);
stop {
stream = nil;
isWaiting = false;
pause {
stream = nil;
isWaiting = false;
Plus removing the separate definition of EventStreamPlayer-play, which is identical to PauseStream-play anyway.
: H. James Harkins
"Come said the Muse,
Sing me a song no poet has yet chanted,
Sing me the universal." -- Whitman
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