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Re: [sc-dev] [win32] discard SCSpawn?


I vote against SCSpawn.

As I use either the OS X and Win32 versions I prefer a consistent way
in how it works in these platforms.

All the best

Alessandro Fogar

2005/12/12, Christopher Frauenberger <frauenberger@xxxxxx>:
> Hi list,
> I would like to discuss whether we should discard SCSpawn as the way
> of starting scsynth on windows. As far as I can see it has some pro
> and contras:
> Pro SCSpawn:
> * nice graphical interface providing all options and showing devices
> available
> * remembers settings in registry
> Contra SCSpawn:
> * depends on MFC libraries
> * not consistent with the startup method on osx
> The main argument against it here imo is that it depends on MFC.
> Microsoft now released the Visual Studio C++ Express edition, which
> is a free version of MS Visual Studio that uses the same compilers
> and the same IDE, but does not include MFC. If we could get rid of
> SCSpawn and allow for setting the device by name through the
> ServerOptions it would be consistent with the way it works on osx. We
> could also print all available devices at startup to inform the user
> of her/his options.
> This way, we would have a way of compiling SC3 on windows without
> relying on commercial tools...
> what are your opinions?
> best
> Christopher
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