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[sc-dev] Symposium options

Dear all,
I enclose two possible dates/locations for a SuperCollider symposium and associated workshops for summer 2006. Scott Wilson has kindly made available the second option below, and this would be in collaboration with the BEAST sound system.

We're canvassing your opinions on the dates- I know there were various conflicting requirements to avoid academic terms, keep air fares lower etc. It might be that someone else has an even better suggestion, but these are our current options. We can discuss on list or feel free to just send me a quick opinion off-list and I'll return results of the survey in one e-mail...

We 'd need to get the date set this month if we wanted to go ahead, in time for us to put in UK funding bids for conference grants.

workshops week of June 26-30th, symposium 30 June-2 July, in Cambridge, UK (University of Cambridge music faculty)

workshops week of July 24-28th, symposium 28th-30th, in Birmingham, UK (University of Birmingham music faculty)
